Chapter 37 - The rescue

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Hunter rode his horse with ease as he, Robert, Cederic, Stephen, Rowan and Roger traveled further into the woods. They had checked a few abandoned farms and clearings in the woods but nothing. They were heading towards what a local farmer had said  that there  was an abandoned windmill that was succluded from everyone. There was only a small path that was the only safe way towards the windmill.

They all agreed that it was their best bet at finding and rescuing Arena. It wasn't too far away from the city and castle which made sense if they wanted to ransom her. Oh Arena I hope you're alright, thought Hunter.

Hunter glanced at Stephen worriedly. He was getting edgier the longer the search went. Hunter couldn't blame him though, thousands of situations had run through his head about what John was doing to Arena.

If he wanted to break Arena and control her, the best way was to mention her family and friends. Force her to believe that it was her fault that her father died. It would be difficult to break her through torture even though Arena was stubborn and strong willed, her weakness was the ones she loved. Just like my weakness, Hunter thought.

Ever since his father died, he was determined to keep everyone safe, Stephen especially. Stephen may have the best training when it came to fighting but Stephen was helpless when it came to those difficult situations where you had no choice but to kill. He preferred to talk his way out of situations but sometimes people don't listen to reason. When emotions take control, all reason is thrown away.

Stephen's weakness was his faith that everyone could change and do the right thing, that everyone deserves a second chance and his inability to  be level headed in tough situations. Hunter sighed as he watched Stephen closely. It was amazing how Arena had changed so much of their lives. She had taught him to use his head more than just act and vice versa for Stephen.

Hunter had never cared for someone as much as he cared for Arena besides his own family. She had brought everyone closer together and taught everyone that girls are just as strong as guys. Everything was changing, all because of her. Hunter smiled as he remembered when she showed him one of her secret places. It was so beautiful yet wild just like her. He sighed, I must find her, I must, he thought.

He glanced at Robert who rode his horse stiffly. Hunter didn't understand why Arena's 'uncle' decided after sixteen years to finally visit. Did Arena even know she had an uncle? Everyone remained silent as they traveled further along the narrow path between the woods. Wild flowers grew on the edge of the path and small animals scurried around, frightened by the sound of horses.

If they weren't so stressed at finding Arena, this would be a pleasant ride, thought Hunter.

" So tell me again how Arena could get kidnapped from the castle, I thought it would  be the safest place", Roger asked.

" This is John and his men we're talking about, if anyone is as sneaky, it's John", sighed Hunter. " He did learn from Robin Hood after all", grumbled Hunter.

" So Robin Hood is to blame then?", Robert asked.

Hunter frowned at the comment, he despised Robin Hood for what happened to his father but he admired the man as well. Hunter did believe that the system was unfair, that the poor got the short end of the deal.

He sighed tiredly, closing his eyes tightly. "I didn't say that, yes John and Robin were friends, like brothers but people change, I understand that now", sighed Hunter.

Robin frowned as he listened to Hunter. Did that mean that the boy was starting to forgive him? No it's a bit difficult to forgive someone who played apart in a love one's  death.

" I agree with Hunter, John changed after he left Robin Hood and his gang, John has his own motives, he was always a shadow next Robin, I guess he didn't like that", grumbled Stephen. Everyone nodded in agreement, the prince is right, thought Robin.

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