Chapter 44 - Love and War

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What just happened, Arena thought as she followed Rowan and her uncle towards where the archery team was. They were to train as much as they could for the battle. Arena followed the two men slowly, reluctant to enter the conversation.

The two men were talking about tactics which was fascinating but it intrigued her, how did her uncle Robert know of fighting techniques? She didn't even know what he did. Was he a farmer? Blacksmith? A retired solider? Why did her life have to spin out of control, why her, she thought.

She sighed quietly but smiled as she touched her lips where Hunter had kissed her. She enjoyed the kiss but she was conflicted. She shouldn't feel like that, she shouldn't have feelings for Hunter. They were friends, they couldn't be anything else, it was wrong, just wrong. Oh but it felt so right, she thought dreamily.

Snap out of this nonsense Arena, a war is coming, there is no time for your feelings, she thought.

Arena snapped out of her thoughts when Rowan stopped and spoke. "Here it is, they prefer to practice from the walls of the castle at targets painted around or ocasionally birds, to get use to moving targets and taking the wind into consideration", said Rowan as he pointed to a group of men aiming arrows at different objects. A straw dummy or a target.

" That's smart, more realistic", said Robert nodding as he watched the men closely.

" I always preferred targets or actually go hunting, includes the factor that something could be hunting you as well", said Arena. Her uncle turned towards her and gave her a brilliant smile. His green eyes sparkling in amusement.

" That's very true Arena but you would usually shoot dead straight at the target with trees to reduce the chance of wind, when up high, wind is always a factor when aiming", smiled Robert. "Wind can help or hinder your aim and your shot", her uncle said, smiling.

"Okay, you make a fair point but that's what the feather end is for", grumbled Arena but she knew she couldn't argue against Robert's logic. He must have done a lot of archery during his life, she thought.

Robin smirked at his daughter as she frowned as she watched the archers. She doesn't like being wrong just like me and Eliana, he thought. She had taken longer in the planning room then he thought and by her expression when she emerged, Arena and Hunter had kissed. It saddened him how much time had passed, that Arena was nearly grown up. Better to be in her life now then never though, he thought.

He would have to watch that boy closely, he didn't want Arena to get hurt. He knew what someone like Hunter could be like, he was like that after all, kind of.

He glanced at the archers and smirked. They were good but could be better, he thought. At least he can now spend time with Arena, he can finally see how good she is with a bow, he thought.

"Archers fall in", shouted Rowan and all the men turned to face Rowan, Arena and Robin, curiosity burning in their eyes. They were all young, in their early twenties except one. He was tall, lanky but had distinct  arm muscles from using the bow so much. The man wore armour but no helmet and looked around  in his late thirties.
His eyes were the most fascinating. They were charcoal black but around the iris was a circle of golden brown. He had angular features and a sharp nose. He smiled at Rowan, flashing a smile where one of his teeth were missing. His dark brown hair reached passed his ears, curling slightly behind his ears.

" Hello Rowan, what a pleasant surprise, what can I do for you captain", smiled the older man.

" Hello Will, I'm here to bring you news of the upcoming battle and more recruits", said Rowan.

" Oh yes, what is the Prince's orders", Will asked seriously. Rowan explained the plan to Will and the other men.

" I agree with the plan but I will send five archers to the small group with solider Cederic", said Will and Rowan nodded. " And these are the new recruits, you're Arena, aren't you", Will asked, staring at Arena curiously.

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