Chapter 36 - Hiding regrets

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Arena's screams filled the air and Damon slumped against outside Arena's room. He couldn't face her again, he wouldn't be able to handle it.

" Come on Arena, I know you can't handle much of this, just say I give up and it will all be over", John whispered as Damon listened through the door.

Damon listened as he could hear Arena's ragged breathing through the door. "Never", hissed Arena.

" Suit yourself, Jack I think our guest has had enough for now, let's take a break", grumbled John.

" Yes John", grumbled Jack as they both shuffled towards the door. Damon hid behind the door as it swung opened.

" Where's the boy", John asked Jack as they came out shutting the door behind them.

" I don't know, sulking probably about how he can't have Arena", smirked Jack.

John laughed coldly as he placed the black bag over his neck. " When he is king, he can have any silly girl, girls are made to serve men so once Arena is mine, everyone will follow", smirked John.

The men laughed as they walked away from Arena's door and Damon motionless beside it. Damon scowled, glaring at the two men as they walked away. I do not sulk and I will have Arena, I love her and she is not just some fancy new toy John, Damon thought angrily as he glared at John's retreating back.

Damon glanced at Arena's door and sighed. He was torned between loving Arena and getting everything he deserved or doing what was right. He glanced down at the small dagger he wore and sighed. I'll just see her and maybe get her something to eat and drink, he thought before dashing away to get some food and water.

They had set up at an abandoned windmill, a day's travel from the city but hidden from prying eyes due to the forest and a creek that rested between the windmill and a dirt road that was the only safe way out from the woods that surrounded the clearing. The owner who had lived here had left as although excluded and provided enough profit for him and his family, the small dirt path became too difficult to pass through with the produce made.

That didn't matter to John at all, it was succluded and people would have to look very hard to find this place, Damon thought. He knew that Stephen, Hunter and probably Zach if he had recovered were searching for Arena now. In less than a week, they would find them and all hell will break lose, Damon thought darkly.

All for a girl, Damon thought amusingly. He hurried to the small kitchen area just outside the windmill. Most of the men slept around this area protecting the windmill and Arena, Damon thought. John, Jack and himself slept within the windmill in a room that use to hold sacks and boxes. Arena's room was where all the produce use to be kept before the owner left according to one of the men who found the place.

"Damon", grumbled one of the men as he walked towards the food. Damon nodded at the man to distracted to remember the man's name. He grabbed a piece of bread, an apple and a cup filled with water and headed back towards the windmill.

" What are you up to Damon, I mean your majesty", grumbled an amused deep gruff voice. Damon glanced sideways to see Frederick leaning against a tree, smirking.

" Don't call me that and I'm just having a snack, is that a crime now", Damon retorted angrily.

" Woah calm down your majesty, you don't want to strain yourself", smirked Frederick. Frederick stood tall, a short sword equipped to his side and a bow on a back.

" I swear Frederick if you call me that again I'll-", Damon growled but trailed off.

" You'll what, banish me from your windmill kingdom or tell John, neither option is very affective", smirked Frederick.

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