Chapter 42 - Feelings and warnings

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Eliana and Ella sat together watching Arena rest. Arena looked much better since she came back a week ago. Robin had not been back from his Merry Men but Eliana wasn't worried. She knew he was training his men to be ready for whatever John planned to throw at them.

Her father was still here, leaving her mother in charge of everything back home. Her youngest brother had left to travel which was just an excuse. He didn't want to be in charge while their father and her were gone. He was only 18 and he wanted to see the world. Lucky idiot, Eliana thought.

Arena had woken briefly after her father had visited, having some food, medicine and water before falling asleep again. Ella's herbs were working wonderfully on Arena which was a relief. Colour had returned to Arena's skin and her rosy complexion was returning. She was no longer shivering or had a fever.

Arena breathed slowly and steadily, sleeping peacefully. She should be better very soon, Eliana thought hopefully. She glanced at Ella who stared at Arena with love. Eliana felt a stab of pain and jealously as she stared at Ella. Ella had raised Arena as her own, cherished and loved her for sixteen years while she had stayed away, living her life as a noble and pretending she never had a child, a little girl.

It was protection though, she couldn't live with herself if Arena or Robin had been killed and she wanted Arena to live a simple life, away from the corruption and lack of privacy of being a noble. She sighed tiredly, running her long fingers through her blonde hair.

Ella gave Eliana a comforting pat on the arm as she got up to fetch some more water. Arena stirred and Eliana leant forward. " Arena, do you need anything", Eliana asked as she saw her daughter's eyes flutter.

" No I'm actually feeling much better, how long have I've been asleep this time", Arena whispered. She still sounded weak but a lot less then when she first came back.

" About twelve hours, are you hungry, thirsty, Ella has just gone to get some more water", smiled Eliana as Arena opened her eyes.

" Water would be nice", Arena smiled weakly at Lady Eliana. Eliana smiled at Arena, relief flooding through her as she saw Arena's eyes had returned to their normal light, her beautiful sparkling green eyes just like her father's, Eliana thought.

Eliana got up and poured the little bit of water that remained in a glass before handing it to Arena who had propped herself up. " You look a lot better, everyone will be pleased, you gave everyone quite the fright young lady", smiled Eliana.

Arena gave her a small smirk as she gratefully took the water and chugged it down. " Me, frighten the boys, never", smirked Arena as she put the glass down.
She glanced at Eliana smiling widely at her, startled by her attention and concern.

" You did, everyone has been worried about you, you've brought everyone closer together", smiled Eliana. It's true, she really has brought everyone closer, Eliana thought happily.

" Really", Arena asked shocked. Eliana nodded and Arena smiled. " Well I better go see what the idiots are doing, who knows what trouble they're getting into", Arena smirked swinging her legs over the bed, letting them dangle above the floor.

" What are you doing Arena, you are still recovering!", Eliana hissed in surprise.

Arena gave her a small smile, nodding respectively to her. " I've spent a week in bed recovering, I really am much better and besides I was the one that was harmed, I want a chance to inflict justice on John, his men and Damon", Arena said quietly, her eyes darkening.

Eliana frowned at Arena's expression but her daughter was as stubborn as Robin and herself put together. " Take it easy though, I might be a noble but nothing can protect anyone from the wrath of a parent", smiled Eliana hiding her sadness. She just wanted to hold Arena close, tell her that she was sorry but she couldn't.

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