Chapter 2- Different

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6 years later :

Thud! An arrow lodged itself in the bullseye, its feathered tip quivering from the impact. "Nice shot Arena", a deep voice yelled from a few metres where Arena and the target range stood. Arena offered a sweet smile in the direction of the voice.

Six years had passed since Arena met that strange boy and found the music box but she has all but forgotten Hunter and his cocky attitude, almost. "I was wondering when I was going to see you again", yelled Arena in her  sweet musical voice. Arena was no longer the stubborn ten year old child, forbidden to wander in the woods. Arena had grown up and was now a beautiful young woman but she still felt like a child sometimes.

"I swear, you should enter a competition or something, you're that good", yelled the deep voice. 

"Oh Roger, stop hiding I know you're up a tree, I taught you to hide in trees silly", Arena laughed shaking her head. A pair of golden brown eyes peeked at her from a large mable tree that stood a few metres away. The young man jumped down but lost his balance and fell onto his bottom. Arena giggled and hurried to help her best friend, Roger up.

Roger had come to live in their small farming community, a week after Arena met Hunter, six years ago. They had been best friends ever since but her parents didn't always approve of having a boy as her best friend. "I don't think a sixteen year old girl would be welcome in an archery contest", said Arena helping Roger up. "Expecially not a farmer's daughter who just happens to be able to use a bow ", she smirked.

"They wouldn't want you, just because you could beat them with your eyes close", smiled Roger. Arena rolled her eyes and pushed Roger away. Roger had golden brown eyes and dark brown hair that fell to his shoulders. His board shoulders showed all the farming he did for his family as well as learning to fight. Lately young boys and older ones have been asked to learn how to fight incase of a war or disagreement between the different nobles and the royal family.

Boys and only boys were allowed to learn to fight with whatever weapon they chose. From swords, to knives to different types of bows and crossbows. Girls however were forbidden to and it set Arena's teeth on edge, the unfairness of it all. Her small community knew that she could use a bow and they knew she wanted to learn to fight among the boys.

Her father had said when her own brother was sent to learn how to fight that he would allow Cederic and Roger to teach her what they learnt in secret,  but only if she didn't rant about how unfair the system was and she agreed. All of this crossed her mind as her best friend smiled at her.

"Come on, few more shots", sighed Arena pulling Roger along, back to where Arena had been standing shooting her arrows. Roger watched as Arena knocked an arrow, drew the string and let the arrow fly hitting the center of the target with another thud.

" What does your father think of your archery", asked Roger. Arena glanced at him before letting another arrow fly, before answering.

" He thinks that I'm too good at archery since I've been using this bow since I was ten, he thinks I should focus on the sword and the spear", Arena muttered rolling her eyes. " I told him I should stick to what I'm good at", she smiled as another arrow hit the center.

"Well it is a good idea but I agree with you and the bow, its your weapon", smiled Roger shrugging. Arena smiled at Roger's sincerity as she let one more arrow fly. It hit the centre perfectly, right in between the other two.

"No you're probably right but the spear feels awkward at least  the sword is easy to use", said Arena with a shrug. She crosses quickly to the target and gently pulls out the arrows, careful not to damage the shaft.

" Look at it this way, a spear is just like a giant arrow", smiled Roger as he follows Arena. Arena laughed feeling grateful for Roger's company. She wouldn't admit it but she has notice that she is not like her family at all. She thought her different looks were one thing but she was a polar opposite to her family. She wasn't very good with the animals except horses and only when she rode them. She could never find the right place to plant stuff and learning how to sow and mend clothes were beyond her.

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