Chapter 29 - A change in heart and will

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She suspects, I know she does, I'm such a bad liar, Damon thought angrily. It was to happen sooner or later, Damon thought sadly as he watched Arena from afar. He did not want to go closer, he didn't trust himself to be with her. He knew he would have to go to Frederick and express his worries that Arena knew who caused the fire.

That damn Rowan, captain of the guards knew and if he hadn't acted Stephen would know everything and any chance of  getting Arena would be non existent. He sighed angrily as Arena picked up her bow, trying to teach Jade how to shoot. Damon was lost, he didn't know what to do and he knew he was losing it. Why did I do it, why did I poison Rowan, he thought.  At least it was just a sleep potion, he thought.

He sighed angrily at his foolishness and quietly got up from the bench he was sitting at. He wandered back inside the castle and headed to a place he never really went, the library. I'm safe here he thought as he grabbed a book about swords and sat down. I just need to get away from everything for a few hours.


"Keep a straight posture, arms straight and put your hands here", smiled Arena as she instructed Jade with her bow. "Great, now draw back and shoot", she smiled and she stepped back as Jade aimed. Jade drew back the string and let the arrow fly. It landed a centimetre from the bullseye.

" Ugh so close", Jade yelled stomping her foot in annoyance. Arena smiled at Jade's frustration.

" Aww don't worry about it, it just takes practice", smiled Arena.

" Yeah but did you have to practice much", Jade asked turning  her dark blue eyes onto Arena who smirked. Arena's green eyes twinkled in amusement as Jade glared at her.

" Well no, not really, it just came naturally really", smiled Arena shrugging.

"You are so lucky, it's amazing how you can shoot, like you're one with the bow, I've never seen anyone do that except maybe Hunter and Robin Hood or what I've heard of", smiled Jade as she turned away to hang up her bow.

" Mhm, yeah, people seem to say I'm just as good as Robin but I don't think anyone could beat Robin Hood ", frowned Arena. " I mean I know he steals and has hurt people but generally he does try to avoid killing people", she said frowning.

" Yeah I guess but depends on where you're at, if you are poor, you worship him but if you're rich, you despise him", said Jade shrugging. "Oh hello, Lady Eliana, do you need anything", smiled Jade glancing behind Arena. Arena turned to see Eliana Earlene standing a metre away, smiling at her and Jade.

" Hello, Arena I was just wondering if I could speak with you for a minute", smiled Eliana. Arena shrugged and followed Eliana to a fountain where she sat on the edge of the marble structure.

" How may I help you", Arena asked curiously. It had been a few days since Eliana had arrived and Arena was curious about her. " Firstly have you visited Rowan lately, I know your mother and you know a bit about certain herbs that can cause sleep", Eliana asked. Arena frowned, Eliana had paused when she had said mother, it was like she disliked Ella for some reason? 

" No I haven't but I'm sure my mother can figure it out, she knows more about sleeping herbs than I do, I just know about the plants that are edible", smiled Arena.

" That's good and I heard about your lost, I'm sorry, I know what it's like to lose a love one", frowned Eliana.

Arena frowned, as far as she could tell this conversation wasn't leading anywhere and yet she couldn't help but wonder why Lady Eliana was so interested in her, she wasn't expecting that Lady Eliana reminded her so much of herself, it was frightening.

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