Chapter 28 - Hidden lies and desires

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"Lady Arena what are you doing, you're meeting the royal family today and another noble from a family where the relationship has been strained in the past", said Jane crossing her arms.

" I'm suffocating here Jane, I need to get away with Jade and Zach and Hunter while Stephen preforms his royal duties", sighed Arena pulling her new hood over her head. She been dying to wear it and today she was no matter what Jane had plan for her.

" It is not good manners especially with a guest, what would Stephen or the King think", grumbled Jane scowling. Arena threw her hands up in frustration as she shuffled towards her boots.

" The King is not my father and he can't dictate what I can and cannot do, neither can Stephen, I'm annoyed that he gave me another guard, honestly does he not think I can take care of myself, I'm the one who saved him", grumbled Arena pulling her boots on.

"He worries for you Arena, he cares about you child", whispered Jane.

" Well if he did he would want to hang with me more, I barely see him or Hunter anymore and royal duties and royal hunter duties are no excuse", Arena grumbled.

" They both have responsibilities they must preform but that does not mean they do not wish to see you milady", whispered Jane sadly.

" Does it, they say we're good friends, that we'll hang out lots, train together, laugh together and over all have a wonderful time where all our troubles are forgotten", grumbled Arena to turning to scowl at Jane.

Arena knew it was unjust to turn her anger at the boys and her sense of confinement to Jane but she was sick of it. Even Damon though she was grateful for his and Zach company seemed different?  Distance pehaps or worried about something but when Arena tried to talk about it with him, he would change the subject quickly.

She sighed tiredly, she wasn't very happy here at the moment. She wanted to leave for a little bit, travel the forest, hunting and gathering but she couldn't. Even if Stephen agreed to it, he would set guards on her and it wouldn't be the same. She understood Stephen wanting to protect her but he out of all people should realise that she could take care of herself, she proven that by saving Stephen's life.

"Please Arena, let's get you into something nicer", whispered Jane offering Arena her hand but Arena shook her head.

" No if the royals can't accept me for who I am, I might as well leave", grumbled Arena and she grabbed her bow and arrows and stomped out of the room.

She muttered to herself as she made her way to the back of the castle towards the private fighting area. Still grumbling she stormed outside and swiftly armed her bow with an arrow. The first arrow was slightly off target and missed the bullseye by a few metres. Arena huffed in frustration as she knocked another arrow to her bow.

She aimed and let go of the string, the arrow whizzing towards the target. It struck the target but missed the bullseye by a few centimetres. " Oh come on", Arena cried frustrated.

"Rough shooting", grumbled a voice and Arena spun around. She relaxed, scowling playfully when she saw who it was.

" Hello proud hunter, long time no see, what hails the young Royal Archer", smirked Arena dropping her arm to her side.

"My dear Lady Arena, I just want to spend time with Arena Dawson, you haven't seen her around, have you", smirked Hunter.

" Very funny Hunter but I am no lady today", smirked Arena gesturing to her clothes.

" I can see that and I must say this look suits you a lot better than those dresses", smirked Hunter coming forward. Arena blushed and turned away to knock another arrow. She aimed and fired the arrow and smiled when it hit the bullseye dead on.

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