Chapter 21 - A bump in the road

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"Cederic do you have any idea what inn they would have stayed at?", Robin asked as they sat on their horses watching the town.

"There are lots of inns in this town, it's the biggest town closest to Arena's and I's home before the big city, so I know they would have come here", frowned Cederic.

" Yes but where, there are 5 different inns which one would Arena and that have chosen", Robin asked frustrated. They had arrived a few days ago but had heard nothing of Arena or the prince. Either they were hiding very well or that they were gone. Robin hoped it wasn't the latter. Cederic was a good companion though and under different circumstances, Robin would have asked if Cederic would like to be a merry man but since they were both worried for Arena and Ella, he hadn't tried.

Every time he thought of Arena, his heart ached for her. She had no idea who she was, who her parents were and she was walking blindly towards the castle where it was very likely her mother would find her first. Robin wanted to be the first to tell her, tell her who she is and to tell her she's a miracle. Never in all of England has a child of a commoner and a noble been born. Actually never in history has a noble fell in love or had a child with a thief, especially not Robin Hood. 

He sighed and tugged at his hair in frustration. People dressed in colourful clothing wandered around, going about their business. Makeshift stalls stood against the tall buildings. Stall holders yelled their wares to the crowd as Robin watched. His hood was down and he scowled at all the people wandering by.

"How hard is it, to find a small party made up of the prince, his royal archer, a few guards and two women", sighed Cederic rubbing his neck in frustration.

" Difficult apparently", sighed Robin tiredly.

" Robin maybe you should just leave Arena be, she's a strong independent girl and she can look after herself, if she wants to hang with royals and rich people then so be it", grumbled Cederic.

Robin turned and glared at Cederic angrily. "Do you really think I would allow that Cederic, no offense but she is not your sister but my daughter", Robin growled his green eyes flashing.

" No but...", began Cederic but Robin cut him off.

"I think I've been away from my daughter long enough, I honestly think I shouldn't have left her in the first place", grumbled Robin.

" What Robin, would she have preferred growing up on the run, living somewhere different nearly every night surrounded by men all the time with no women influences", smirked Cederic.

" At least she would know who she was", growled Robin. Robin glared at Cederic and Cederic glared back.

" Look we're both worried about Arena, we both want what's best for her", said Cederic quietly.

" We, you would let her stay with the prince if it had her best interests at heart, I want her away from all of that, I don't want her anywhere near what her mother has, I promised Eliana", whispered Robin.

" I know, I know but Robin why is it that bad that she get a taste of her mother's life", Cederic asked.

Robin sighed and urged his horse forward. " Come, we better start looking for them, the sooner we figure out where they are, the better", he mumbled.

They urged their horses forward towards the city. "Where shall we begin", smirked Cederic glancing around at the busy street. Robin glanced around until his eyes fell upon a inn that grabbed his attention.

"That one, The Hidden Secret", said Robin pointing towards a sign where a girl was posing with one of her fingers pressed against her rosy lips.

" It's a start", smirked Cederic shrugging as they urged their horses towards the inn.

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