Prologue - Hiding the truth

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Prologue :

The man in the green hood jumped from tree to tree, holding on tightly to the bundle of silver blankets in his strong arms. Shouts could be heard in the distance and he hoped that she was ok. Robin Hood had tried so hard to avoid her, to ignore his feelings for the beautiful young lady with the amber brown eyes and her long dark blonde hair. A girl like her with a hunter and a thief like him? Impossible, but fate had other plans for the two and love had blossomed between the unlikely pair.

Fearing of what her parents would say, they met in secret and their love remained hidden until she became pregnant. She managed to hide the baby from everyone except her maid who promised not to tell. All was well but the question remained, what would become of the child? The baby couldn't stay with the mother and Robin Hood couldn't look after the child, he was wanted by all the rich people.

So here he was taking his daughter to a trusted farmer who would raise her like his own. His bright emerald green eyes stared down at his baby daughter with affection and love. She looked like her mother already with her soft creamy skin and long thick dark eyelashes. Her cheeks had a faint tinge of red on her small pale cheeks, just like her mother's Robin thought smugly.

The baby girl was unaware of the shouts, her father's labored breathing or the screeching of birds as they took flight to get away from the man jumping trees. She slept on, sucking on her small thumb, the golden locket that hung around her neck was too big which bounced and swung around her neck. Robin Hood looked up to see he was nearly at the farm. It was a good farm, right next to the woods he thought.

Plenty of fields and land for his daughter to play on and to practice he thought. He wanted to leave something for her even if he couldn't raise her. The present hung from his back as he jumped down and landed at the edge of the woods. He glanced behind him to check if the soldiers were coming before jogging to the small house.

The farmer and his wife with their own small son were already waiting at the front door. Robin Hood pulled his hood down and grinned at the small family.
"Thank you so much for doing this for us, if her parents found out they would have killed her" grumbled Robin as he adjusted his grip on the baby.

"It is not a problem Robin, you saved us from bankruptcy and saved our son from becoming a servant", smiled the farmer. The little boy clung to his mother, his bright blue eyes wide in shock as he stared at the tall, strong and rough looking man before him. Robin Hood smiled down at the boy and ruffled his messy black hair.

"Are you going to help look after my daughter", smiled Robin Hood as the boy blushed.

"Yes sir, I will be her older brother and protect her", he whispered trying to catch a glimpse of his new foster sister.

Robin Hood smiled at the young boy, knowing that the boy meant every word. He kissed his sleeping daughter on the forehead and handed her to the farmer's wife. She had shoulder length black hair like her son but soft brown eyes that knew all. "This is the only thing I can give her, tell her to use it well but do not tell her of myself or her mother, for safety reasons", muttered Robin. The lady smiled at Robin Hood with reassurance as he handed the present to the farmer.

" This is a fine bow and arrows", said the farmer eyeing the bow. Robin smiled and nodded sadly.

"I must go", Robin muttered sadly. He pulled up his hood and stepped away.

" Wait, what is her name", asked the wife switching her gaze from the baby girl to the hooded man with his own bow on his back. He smiled, his green eyes showing under his hood.

"Her name is Arena", smiled Robin Hood as he dashed away from the family and his daughter. The birds sang as the little family bustled inside the house. The boy jumping up and down to get a look at his baby foster sister. At that moment, Arena chose to open her eyes to see her new family. Her large beautiful green eyes stared up into the strange people smiling down at her.

"Arena", mused the farmer staring at the now awake baby girl. "Welcome to the family", he smiled.

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