Chapter 12 - The secret weapon

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"Do you remember the plan boy, gain their trust, work hard and become friends with Arena", grumbled the spy.

" Yes sir, I won't let you or John down sir", muttered the boy.

"You better not, or you'll regret ever joining our gang", growled the spy. He still had his dark hood up but the spy was frowning underneath, glaring at the young boy who stood in front of him. The boy did not have a hood as he was new and inexperienced.

"I promise sir, I will succeed", grumbled the boy. " But it might be difficult with the prince and that archer sir, I got the job but they never leave Arena alone since they have arrived", frowned the boy. The spy sighed and pulled off his hood.

He had hazel coloured eyes and shoulder length ginger hair. His face was covered in freckles and he had a small scar at the edge of his eye. His heavy eyebrows were pulled down into a scowl as he glared at the boy, at the secret weapon.

" I swear Damon, if you can't get closer to Arena, I will personally kill everyone here and drag her by her hair to John", growled the man. He shook his fist at Damon as they stood together in the woods.

He had slipped away for a few hours saying he was looking for edible plants. While really he  was talking to Frederick about their progress on him being the secret weapon, trying to become friends with Arena and convince her to join their side. Over the past week and a few days it hadn't been going well. Arena and himself were friends and she trusted him but they hadn't talked much since those two idiots, the prince and his archer side kick had come and stolen her away.

He clenched his hands into fists at the thought of those two idiots with the girl he was falling for. He couldn't help it, just like he was sure that Hunter and Prince Stephen couldn't help wanting to hang out with her. She was fascinating, beautiful and deadly all at once. She was like a rare beautiful flower that only appears once in a blue moon.

He flinched at Frederick's threat because he knew that he would do just that. He hated Hunter and Stephen but he didn't think he could let them die even if he wanted too. Arena would hate him, he saw how she acted with them. It was like she was trying to be two different Arena's at once. The one that he first met and the one he now knew. She tried to hide everything and act cocky but not show her sensitive sweet side.

She would probably shoot him if he tried to kill them. He would never forgive himself either, he could never be the type to kill out of vengeance, he couldn't be like John. He only joined the stupid gang to have a home, a place to eat and sleep. He didn't expect to be apart of some crazy plot to take and kill the prince.

" Are you listening to me Damon, I mean it if you can't convince her, I will kill her entire family and drag her away and maybe have my own fun with the feisty girl", hissed Frederick. He crouched down shoving his filthy breath into Damon's face. His hazel eyes glared at Damon's dark moss green eyes. Damon shifted his gaze to stare at a lone flower and sighed.

Damon felt sick at the thought of this bastard touching Arena in anyway. He would not let someone like Frederick get near her. If she must be part of the plan to remove Stephen from the picture and take a step closer to the throne, then so be it but he would not let anyone harm her, that was a promise. "Well boy, what do you say, are we carrying the plan out as normal or do I need to step in", spat Frederick.

" No I will handle it, I can get her on our side ", whispered Damon clenching his hands into fists.

Frederick moved away pleased with this result and smirked down at the boy. It hadn't gone unnoticed that the boy had feelings for the girl. He couldn't blame him, Arena was...interesting. He knew if he threatened the girl he would try harder but Damon's feelings for the girl were pointless. He had watched them together and Arena with the prince and the archer and he knew that Arena felt nothing more than friends for Damon.

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