Witts, Quips and Dances

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Setting: pre-Caraval, third part of "The Best Friends' Failure" series. Scarlett is fourteen, almost fifteen.
Inspiration: I think the first time I thought of this scene was when I read how Tella's birthday was overshadowed by Elantine's in the girls' home she and Scarlett went to in Legendary. I know there's really not that much in common between this one-shot and Tella's birthday, but the girls' home ties in? (my mind works in mysterious ways).

"The Best Friends' Failure"

Scarlett studied herself in the mirror, carefully adding liquid black makeup to line her eyes. All of the other girls in Trisda's girls' home loved eyeliner, and Scarlett loved fitting in. Tella had no problem making friends and finding a boy to accompany her to the 'end of the year ball'. Scarlett, however, didn't have such an easy time making friends, so she usually stuck by Tella for the most part of the evening.

Fortunately for Scarlett, Felipe had offered to be her company so she wouldn't feel left out. He was always telling her she shouldn't care what the other girls thought, "damn them," he would say. But it wasn't that easy. Tella was bold and adventurous and she put herself out there. Scarlett took to her books and studies, keeping to herself. While girls chatted with Tella, they were whispering about Scarlett too. Of course, no one would dare say anything about Scarlett to Tella, the saints only know the hell Tella would bring on them.

"I always love the end of the year balls, don't you, Scarlett?" Tella sighed dreamily, powdering her nose and adjusting her hair.

"Yeah, they're a real hoot."

"Oh, c'mon, Scar. Just let loose for once, Father isn't here to punish us!" Tella urged her sister.

"You forget how tightly knit father is with the principal and teachers," Scarlett reminded Tella.

"They never pay us much attention, anyway. Promise me you and Felipe will try to have fun?"

Scarlett held up her pinky figure mockingly, and Tella smiled in satisfaction.

"The ceremony is starting soon, let's go!" Tella took Scarlett's hand and sped down the dorm halls until they reached the ballroom.

Scarlett and Tella neared the front of the line since all of the students were lined up on the staircase in alphabetic order.

"Who's your company for the night, again? I keep forgetting," Scarlett asked quietly, keeping an ear for their names to be announced.

"Um, I think his name is Darrel," Tella said as more of a question than a statement.

"You think?"

"Well, I didn't read a book on the guy."

"Oh, Tella."

"Donatella Dragna, accompanied by Dennis Meyers," the principal said once they reached the front of the line.

"Right, his name is Dennis," Tella laughed quietly, descending the stairs to link arms with the young man.

"Scarlett Dragna, accompanied by Felipe Wilson."

Scarlett ran her hand along the railing as she walked down the stairs gracefully, careful not to trip and make a fool of herself.

"This tie is itchy," Felipe said amusingly, adjusting the piece of fabric that was tied around his neck.

"And this corset is tight, but I guess we'll just have to deal with it," Scarlett remarked with a smile.

"How did I land a lady with such a sharp tongue?" Felipe linked his arm with Scarlett's. "Wanna head over to the punch table? I am parched."

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