Good Morning, Heir

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Setting: post-Finale
Inspiration: I really wanted to start writing about Julian and Scarlett's child, and there was a request for Scarlett being pregnant, so it really pushed me to finish it.

Scarlett's eyes shot open as her stomach began to stir. She wanted to go back to sleep but she couldn't ignore the feeling that she was about to throw up. She darted out of the bed and ran to the bathroom connected to her room so she wouldn't make a mess. As she let out the sickness into the toilet, she felt warm hands hold her hair behind her head.

"Are you okay, Crimson?" Julian's rough voice from sleep asked with concern.

Scarlett nodded as she flushed the toilet, walking up to the sink to wipe her mouth. Julian wrapped his arms around her waist from behind, nestling his head into her neck as she washed up. He seemed to still be tired as it was the early hours of the morning, but he insisted upon staying by her side.

"It's probably just a stomach bug, I should go see the doctor in the next wing," Scarlett inferred, drying her hands with a towel as a sleepy Julian clung to her.

"I'll come with," he mumbled into her neck.

"I'm alright, go back to bed, Julian. Besides, it's technically against the rules for us to be sleeping in the same bed before we're married."

"You're the empress, can't you change those rules?"

She laughed quietly as she guided him back to her bed and he hesitantly flopped onto it.

"I'm just a bit queasy, I'll be fine when the doctor runs some tests. I'll be back soon." She kissed his head before weaving her way through the corridors until she found the medical wing of the palace.

"Your Majesty, what are you doing up at this hour?" Dr. Darnell asked as Scarlett sat down on the medical bed.

"I think I have a stomach bug, but I'm not quite sure what it is. I didn't really know what to do..."

"Of course, Your Majesty. I will run a few tests so we can determine what steps to take to conquer this stomach ache." Dr. Darnell proceeded to get a type of gel, and Scarlett complied with whatever tests he put her through.

After about forty-five minutes, he finally finished all of the tests and came back into the room while jotting things down in his notebook.

"I have some good news, Your Majesty. Only one test came back positive, and it's the best test to pass," he smiled warmly as Scarlett wiped her sweaty palms against her nightgown.

"Really? Because I think it must've just been something I ate, I don't feel sick anymore."

"Morning sickness is common in your case, Empress. It will be coming and going over the next couple of weeks."

"And what is my case?" Scarlett asked nervously.

The doctor's grin spread even further, "I'm happy to announce that you are pregnant with the Meridian Empire's heir, Your Majesty. Six weeks along with the pregnancy already. Congratulations."

Scarlett's eyes widened. Pregnant. She couldn't be pregnant, she wasn't even married yet! She pressed her lips together, what would the people say? She was only the empress for a few months and she had already broken so many rules. I'm only eighteen, she thought.

She swallowed. The wedding was in a month, no one would notice then, right?

"Dr. Darnell, could we keep this confidential please?" Scarlett asked quietly.

"Of course." He nodded.

She was going to be a mother. She was going to have a child. She was carrying Julian's child. How would he react? Would he be angry? Happy? Scared?

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