The Letter - Drabble

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Julian reread the letter many times.

It had been months since he had spoken to his brother. There hadn't been a Caraval performance in years. 

He remembered the feeling of being a murderer even if he didn't kill Rosa. He finally woke up and realized what Caraval became.

He wasn't surprised that his brother had found him; Legend kept tabs on all of his performers. He was surprised at the letter's contents.

A chance to change Caraval, to revert it to its old ways, a chance at redemption.

Hope filled Julian.

He would tell his brother's lies one last time. It would change his life.

For those of you who don't know what a drabble is, it's a piece of literature that is precisely 100 words long. I kind of struggled to keep this only 100 words which made me delete many things, but I'm happy with how it turned out.

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