A Voyage Away From Reality

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Setting: Finale, (pre-chapter 21) (when Scarlett and Julian tested out the Reverie Key)
Inspiration: the urge to elaborate chapter 21 of Finale
Mini A/N: I'm working on a surprise that I'll be sharing soon :) and this one-shot is going to be 3 parts

"Was that a knock on the door?" Scarlett asked as she was flipping over places to visit by using the Reverie Key.

Julian ignored her question. "There's a baker I know in the North, let's go." He grabbed her hand along with a coat, and she offered him the Reverie Key so they could reach their destination.

Although Julian had said to be careful who she offered the key to, and he had lied to her on many occasions, Scarlett trusted Julian with her life. His hand was warm in hers as he twisted the Reverie Key into his palace suite door, and the sight in front of them was breathtaking.

Scarlett's magical dress shifted into a long, warm, ruby-red dress to shield her from the falling snow around them. There was a cobblestone pathway ahead of them, hanging lanterns above their hands, and a small wooden cabin in the distance with smoke coming out of the chimney.

"It's a little cold, but I swear, it's worth it." Julian continued to lead her towards the baker's cabin, and the smell inside was inviting and mouthwatering.

Warmth immediately flushed her body, and her dress once again shifted into an exceptional dress with a full skirt that was covered in every inch with roses.

"Mon amie, Julian! Bienvenue, come on in." The baker beckoned with a thick accent from behind the glass counter, which covered dozens of baked treats that made Scarlett feel rather famished.

"Ah, Henri, wonderful to see you again!" Julian grinned back at the old man, Henri, who looked very welcoming, and for a moment Scarlett was reminded of her grandfather.

Whereas her grandmother was quite the snapping turtle who only softened a little when she told Caraval stories, her grandfather was kind and humorous. He had died before her mother had disappeared, and Scarlett could barely remember him, but the memories she did have were all good ones.

"It has been quite a long time since I've seen you and your travelling circus buddies last." Henri wiggled his eyebrows as he teased Julian. "And who is this beautiful young lady who you have dragged into my bakery?"

"This is Scarlett, and I've brought her here to taste the most delicious delicacies that she will ever taste."

"Enchante, Scarlett. Et Julian, you give me too much credit. Though I must admit, my work is rather adequate." Henri seemed to glow even more than before at Julian's compliment. "Take a look around and pick anything you'd like. For a friend of Julian's, no cost."

"Oh, Henri, I can pay-"

"Nonsense! My business is thriving, all thanks to you. Now, go, go, all I ask is you pick whatever draws you in first."

Whatever draws you in first.

Scarlett's eyes darted around the room, across different sorts of brownies, cookies, cakes, jellos and pudding, but the treat that drew Scarlett in first was a slice of triple-chocolate-fudge-cake. She could feel Julian's eyes on her as she started towards the slice and picked it up.

"Fine choice, mademoiselle! I'll say that has to be one of my favorites." Henri clapped and he handed her a fork made of bamboo. "Tell me what you think."

Scarlett dug the fork into the moist chocolate cake, and she almost moaned when it melted in her mouth. "Oh. My. Saints. This has to be the best cake I have ever tasted."

"Fantastique! As you may have been able to tell, I take much pride in my baking, and I am so glad to hear that you have enjoyed it."

"You have to try this Julian." Scarlett turned to him and handed him the small plate.

Julian let his eyes linger on her lips before accepting the plate from her, and trying the cake himself. "You really have out done yourself, Henri. This is exquisite."

"Since when did you have such a fancy vocabulary, mon amie?"

Julian laughed as he tossed a glance at Scarlett. She wished she didn't, but she loved the feeling she got when he did look at her. She felt as if she were a stone, and she was falling for him all over again into a wishing well full of dreams.

"While I wish we could stay longer, Henri, but I want to take Scarlett to a few other places before the day is over."

"Of course, Julian," Henri grinned, still overjoyed from the compliments he had received. "Young love," he added, quiet enough for Julian to miss, but loud enough for Scarlett to hear.

She thought she had fallen out of love with him, but she supposed her anger and confusion was like a blanket covering her love for him. And now, Julian was removing the blanket ever so slowly.

Julian took her hand once again, and Scarlett thought her heart skipped a beat. "Ready for our next destination?"

I loved writing this oneshot so much oh my goodness, I might upload another oneshot before next Wednesay :D

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