I Don't Deserve Your Tears

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I don't deserve your tears
Is what you had said
As you began to bleed out.
Yet they fell anyway,
But they weren't for you.
They were for the man
You could have been,
If only you tried a little harder.
They were for the wonders
You could have been,
If you hadn't chosen
To be a monster.
They were for the man
My mother knew,
When you were once human.
They were for the pain
You caused,
From the pain
You were feeling.
And most of all,
They were for the father I lost,
And the father I could have had.
You will die the same way as my mother
And I think it is strange
How my parents, in a sense,
Have killed each other.
No, you do not deserve my tears.
But I deserve to cry them
As I watch the life
Of a man I have yet to know
Leave his eyes,
And his magic leave his body
Into a dagger
I now own.
I wipe away a tear
As I remember my mother
And decide that it is the last.
I hold onto your smile,
For it is all of you I have
And finally let go of the past.

I know it isn't much, but I was in the mood to write a poem, and I just happened to have inspiration to write Scarlett/Gavriel angst because I truly believe in another world he could have been a good person.

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