rant 2/update

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Disclaimer: this is not a one shot, this is just me talking about the books and updates so read this if you please!

Okay so first things first, I lost access to a computer so now I'll be typing my fanfics on mobile, but I'm hoping to save up for an affordable pc.

So the first part about this rant is more of a question than anything, and that is how old are Julian and Legend?

(Also I don't know if what I'm writing is confusing so just... bear with me!)

Because I have read multiple fanfics/online convos where it mentions something about Julian and/or Legend's age and all of them say that they are centuries of years old?

The way I perceived Legend's age was that he was more or less the same age as Annalise (Scarlett and Tella's grandmother) before he was immortal. He wanted to impress her family or whatever so he reached out to Esmerelda thinking that he could keep both her and his carnival, but ended up losing Annalise because he was immortal since (as Annalise described it) he "wasn't the same Legend she had known".

And I'm pretty sure I mentioned in two one shots (fight for her, and late family dinners) something about what I thought their ages were at one time. And especially in late family dinners why I put such an age gap between Legend and Julian was because in the last chapter of Caraval before the epilogue, Julian had said "Growing up I had always looked up to Legend." Which implies that he wasn't an adult yet when Dante became Legend (and this also makes him impressionable since he wasn't done growing up), but he also had to be old enough to be Legend's brother/half-brother.

So I'm guessing Legend was around 24 years at that age when he was with Annalise, because I had put 10 years between Julian and Legend, and I think 14 would have been a good age for Julian when Dante became Legend.

So unless Annalise was hundreds of years old as well, I don't think that Julian and Legend are that old either. Unless, of course, the back story behind Legend and Annalise was false and just some made up story for Caraval (which I doubt), then I believe without ageless or immortality, they would be around 60-80 years old.

But if anyone knows their age or if Stephanie confirmed something, please let me know!

Andddd some exciting news...

I've been working on a fanfic for post Finale (not just a one shot series, i'm writing an actual story) which probably won't be posted for a while because I want to have (most of) it finished before I publish it. I have like three chapters written so far, but I'm going to add to them and re write them and stuff.


I'm also thinking of doing a short fanfic about Paradise before she met Marcello, because I think that would be interesting to explore. But unlike the other fanfic I'm working on, I haven't even wrote anything about it yet, so it's just an idea.

Andddd... (how many ands are there? we'll never know :O)

I think I might do something called "Dialogue Prompts"

Basically I'll make a chapter with a bunch of numbered sentences, and then you guys give me the number of the sentence you want and the pairing you want and I'll try and make a short one shot out of that!

I seen someone do it on tumblr I believe and it looks very fun so I think I'm gonna give it a go!


That's it 😜 if you read all of this, you are very strong.

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