"You Look Incredible In That"

1K 14 3

Setting: Post-Finale
Dialogue prompt: 20: "You look incredible in that"

If there was one thing that Scarlett found utterly exhausting about being the Empress of the Meridian Empire, it was attending and hosting Royal Court meetings with neighbouring kingdoms.

Scarlett had nothing to hide around the kings and queens of the other kingdoms, but every time a meeting was hosted, she found that everyone wore a mask around each other.

She tilted her head as she looked over herself in the mirror, smoothing the golden dress she had chosen for tonight's meeting with her hands until she realized how sweaty they were. Scarlett grabbed a nearby handkerchief and quickly wiped her hands.

While this was not her first impression made upon the other royals, she was still a fairly new (and in her case, untrustworthy) empress, and Scarlett needed to make sure they thought she was a suitable ruler.

"I am here to escort you to the meeting, Crimson!" Julian declared, waltzing into the room proudly with a gold-twisted crown that rested across his brow.

Scarlett tossed her head over her shoulder and smiled nervously at him. "I just need a few more moments."

He nodded and sat himself down on the bed. Scarlett could feel his eyes on her as she placed a simple gold diadem that matched Julian's crown on her head and fastened her mother's scarlet earrings into her ears.

"You look incredible in that dress," Julian murmured as he got up and wrapped his arms around his wife. "You look every inch of the glorious empress you are."

"Thank you," she whispered, seeing as how close they were that was all she needed to do. Her hands adjusted his tie before she pecked his lips. "You don't look too bad yourself."

Julian's signature smirk played across his face. "Admit it. You are blown away by how devilishly handsome I am."

Scarlett rolled her eyes. "Fine. You look incredible too."

His lips caught hers, and as he tried to deepen the kiss, Scarlett pulled away as her back arched into his hands.

"Need I remind you we have a meeting to host, Julian?"

The emperor pouted. "You mean the meeting with the people who could give me a run for my money as an actor because they're so fake?"

Despite her better judgement, a laugh escaped Scarlett's lips as she linked her arm with Julian's. "Okay, get it out of your system before we leave."

"Queen Vivienne's forced smile makes her seem constipated, King Harrison has a bigger nose than my brother's ego, and Poison is almost as creepy and disturbing as Armando," Julian listed off.

Scarlett found that her nerves began melting away as laughter rolled over her body.

"I can keep going."

"We're going to be late," Scarlett interjected, though it was half-hearted and breathy.

"Just because I know how reputation is so important to you, I guess we could make our way down." Julian began pressing forward, his hand reaching to open the door before Scarlett.

Scarlett pressed a final kiss to his cheek. "How considerate," she said through a smile.

"You know me; considerate, charming, confident and comedic."

"And I love you for it."

Thank you guys for 4k! I can't believe how fast we're flying through the numbers holy saints. Again, thanks for reading everyone! Also, in celebration of 4k I think I might post the Paradise fanfic tonight! I only have one part written so far, but might as well put it out there.

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