spin, spin, spinoff!

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Ok so I've been in a major writers block lately (what else is new?) but I kinda wanted to throw out a lil content so I'm just writing spin-offs of the Caraval series I would sell my soul to have.

- a back story to Paloma.
So I'm (attempting) to write a fanfic about Paloma's backstory, but the things I would do to read abt her life growing up in Valenda, her ex boyfriend who betrayed her with the cards, and her and Gavriel. Also, her marriage to Marcello and what not. Just so many opportunities, and to see how she became the incredible thief she was.

- a back story to Gavriel.
I mean, come on. Valenda when it was known as Alcara, him and Esmerelda's relationship, the creation of the Fates, how cruel he was, how he softened when he met Paradise, what he felt when he was trapped in the deck, him ruling the Meridian Empire from the sidelines. Need I say more?

- a Legend and Julian growing up story
BROTHERLY ANGST. I REPEAT, BROTHERLY ANGST. Ok but like imagine a story shifting back and forth between their POV's while growing up. Legend becoming cold hearted, Julian trying to get his brother's love, them going through Caraval together, while their relationship slowly deteriorates. Also I'd love to read the moment Julian and Legend fell apart (like post Rosa's death) and when Julian finally kinda realized Legend wasn't what he thought he was.

- Julian's POV of Caraval.
We got ONE short chapter of bonus content in the collectors edition, and it made me hungry for more. Like there is so much depth that could be added through Julian's POV, him falling for Scarlett, what he was doing when he was sneaking around, him slowly uncovering Legend's plan for that Caraval. Like he didn't know shit about that Caraval but I imagine he would have been gathering information faster than Usain Bolt during the game. (Also, his POV's with Armando, when Marcello was slicing his face, and where he went when Scarlett was getting her future told). Like imagine how different the story could seem? And what the game is like from a performer's point of view, and how he tried to balance lies with truths with Scarlett?

- A post Finale series.
Legend 'kidnapping' Tella, Julian and Scarlett ruling the Meridian Empire, trying to locate Fates, what happens to Scarlett's magic, what happens to Legend's magic, (tellegend) their daughter, SO MUCH NEEDS TO BE UNPACKED HERE. Like I know OUABH is set post Finale, but I'm talking something that centres around our beloved Santos brothers and Dragna sisters.

- a short novella of Tella finding information on Caraval/escaping Trisda
I feel like this would be really interesting. Seeing what Tella traded to gain information, what her thought process was, keeping it from Scarlett, etc.

- a short novella of Tella's POV of Caraval
So I don't think there could be as much depth through her POV than Julian, but a short novella would be really interesting. Seeing her reactions, how she snuck around, what it was like to die, how it was to watch her sister play.

- a short novella of Julian's five week trip in Finale.
We got insight as to what Scarlett, Tella, and Legend were up to for the two months, but we knew barely anything about Julian's whereabouts? All we really found out was that he was someplace warm, got a tattoo, and went there to make Scarlett miss him. I want to see his thoughts, what he did on his trip for five whole fuckin weeks.

Feel free to comment spin off ideas you'd like to see someday even if they chances may be very low <3

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