one year and a romantic boat ride

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Part two of one year and a spanish song

      It took Scarlett a while to come up with the perfect gift for her and Julian's one year anniversary of being married. He was a very difficult person to get gifts for, but Scarlett was nothing if not determined.

      And so she bought a rowing boat with roses engraved into the wood, the Caraval symbol etched on the inside, and a gold design painted on the outside. It truly looked magical, and Scarlett was happy with her design.

     She had packed two bottles of champagne, along with an array of fruits and dessert for the boat ride. Scarlett just waited on Julian now after leaving him instructions to find her. The sun was beginning to set, the perfect time for a romantic soirée on the water.

The memory of her eighteenth birthday flashed in her mind, the two of them spending the night on a boat too. Scarlett smiled, loving spending time with her darling sailor.

She heard his footsteps on the dock before she seen him. Scarlett felt him before she seen him. His arms wrapped around her waist from behind, head falling onto her shoulder and nuzzling into her neck.

"I still can't believe you left me in the library while I looked for the non-existent book you asked for," Julian murmured.

Scarlett watched the boat rock in the waves. "I wanted this to be a surprise."

His head turned a bit and he straightened, moving to stand beside her rather than behind. "You got this for me?"

Scarlett bit her lip and nodded. "Take a look."

Julian walked around the row boat, examining the engravings and paint job. He hopped inside and found the Caraval symbol immediately. "It's beautiful, Crimson. Thank you. I love it."

Julian outstretched his hand, helping her inside the boat as she sat across from him. She pulled out the picnic and said, "happy anniversary."

Julian leaned forward, eyes lingering on her lips. He kissed her slowly. "It's been one blissful year."

"That it has." Scarlett's breath shook as Julian's stubble brushed her cheek as he pulled away.

He began to row, and Scarlett spotted different constellations that began to peak out in the sky. Scarlett listened to him hum, and let herself relax as his melodies soothed her. When they found a spot perfect for stargazing, Scarlett poured two glasses of champagne.

"To us," she began. "For getting through all of the ups and downs of our relationship, and coming out with the strongest love to exist."

Julian's eyes were always so easy to read. And his eyes were telling her how much her words touched him. "I'll toast to that." He grabbed the glass she poured for him. "And to you, Crimson, for forgiving a liar and giving him so many second chances he didn't deserve."

Scarlett shook her head. "You just needed to realize I've always had faith in you."

They clinked their glasses together.

Julian brought it to his mouth. "To our love."

And they drank. Scarlett's eyes fluttered shut briefly at the stars she tasted in her mouth. It was Julian's favourite champagne she had imported from the North, and it was her favourite too.

Julian sent his glass down gently, reaching into his pocket. "I actually got you a present too. It's nothing as extravagant as a boat, but it's sentimental and I thought you might like it."

Scarlett's heart picked up as Julian's more vulnerable side began to open up. "Oh, you didn't-"

Julian's finger pressed against her lips, silencing her. "I wanted to."

He was so close they were breathing the same air. She swore her heart was going to beat out of her chest.

Julian dangled a magnificent pocket watch from his hand before dropping it into hers gently. Scarlett ran her thumb over the rubies on it, and flipped it around to read the engravings on the back.

Crimson, my little liar
My love for you is undying

      Tears gathered behind Scarlett's eyes. She could almost hear Julian saying the loving, tender words. When she opened up the pocket watch, Julian's voice poured from it, singing a beautiful Spanish song. The clock design was beautiful, and a small painting of them on their wedding day resided on the other half of the watch.

       Scarlett remembered when he had given her a pocket watch when she first played Caraval, his recording apologizing for not being able to tell her things, and he spoke of coordinates of a boat she could use to escape her father. This one was pure romance captured into a watch, and Scarlett knew she'd cherish it forever.

      "Oh, Julian," she whispered, tears spilling from her eyes.

       His expression was playful, but his eyes hinted at a little nervousness. "I didn't think it was that bad of a gift-"

      Scarlett cut him off as she jumped onto his lap, throwing her arms around Julian as she crushed him into an embrace. The boat rocked at her sudden movement, and Julian chuckled into her hair. "My love, I absolutely adore it! It's perfect. I couldn't have asked for anything better."

      "I'm glad you like it." Julian returned her embrace now, one hand held the back of her head while his other arm wrapped around her body, pulling her to him.

      Scarlett just stayed in his arms a few moments, breathing in his scent as she came to a simple conclusion. What she had with Julian was unmatched. No one would ever compare to her love, no one would ever make her feel this way except for Julian. This was the type of love Scarlett feared she could only find in storybooks and fairytales. But this? This was real. And it was hers.

       Scarlett fought off tears. "I love you so much."

       "I love you so much too, my darling wife."

        She pulled back just enough so that she could look Julian in his beautiful amber eyes. Their lips clashed and it was earth shattering. Her husband, of one whole year, and many more to come. Their light picnic was long forgotten, their hunger focused on each other instead.

       Her fifteen year old self would have never believed her if she said that this was where she would be in four years. Sometimes it felt ethereal, like a daydream. And Scarlett knew that her love with Julian would never dull. It would stay as bright as the morning sun.

      Her husband, her Julian.

Gah this was so cute to write <3

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