Last Words

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Stephanie Garber is a genius, and whether this was planned or not, my opinion does not change.

I am bawling my eyes out because of this.

Scarlett's last words to her mother were, "I'm sorry."

Maybe to convey her sorrow for blaming Paloma for so many years, even though Paloma would not have a clue about that (since these words were spoken when Scarlett went back in time). Scarlett knew it would be the last time she would ever see her mother, and had finally accepted that Paloma was not the villain she had believed her to be.

Scarlett's last words to her father were, "I forgive you."

The opposite of what her last words were to her mother. Perhaps to give Gavriel peace in that moment, and it really proved how much Scarlett had faith in people by giving everyone a second chance. She knew his death was coming even though he did not; I believe the only reason Gavriel accepted his death so much was because in his last moments, instead of seeing not only Scarlett forgiving him, he seen Paradise forgiving him as well. He had done unspeakable things to his daughter in the short time he had known her and she forgave him regardless.


Scarlett yelling "No!" When Gavriel was stabbed. I think she truly forgave him, but wished he could be the father she wished she had as a child. It made me cry my heart out the first time, and it's making me cry my heart out now too.

It was a well hidden bookend in Finale and it's making me very sad.

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