legendary déjà vu

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Echoes of the laughter of children was the brightest joy ever to be. The Empress of the Meridian Empire knew this better than anyone. She watched contently as her children and niece were chasing each other around the lounging room, as she and her husband chatted with their family.

"I can't believe Dalia and Benjamin are already four-years-old," Tella sighed, taking a sip of her tea. "Rosie's already two."

Julian's arm tightened around Scarlett. "Time flies by too quick."

That it did.

Tella and Legend had decided to settle in Elantine Palace with their daughter for a while, wanting Dalia to grow up in a somewhat controlled and stable area. In case her already growing magic went out of hand, they easily would be able to put out the fire. Scarlett would never admit this out loud, but she was dreading the day when Tella and Legend would decide to leave again.

She knew it wasn't fair to ask her sister to stay in the palace forever, but it was nice having her around. It gave Scarlett a sense of comfort that her sister was safe; even after eight whole years of being free from their father.

Colors of marigold and strawberry pink danced around the room as reminiscent indigo started to spread around Scarlett. She wrung her hands while thinking of her children.

She was just thankful neither of them had begun to show signs of magic. Scarlett didn't want them to have that burden like she did. Though it was getting easy to ignore, it never went away. Not completely.

"Mommy." Rosie tugged on Scarlett's dress. "I'm tired and I want Daddy to carry me to bed."

Scarlett smiled warmly. "I think he can grant that wish."

"You bet I can, little rose." Julian picked up their daughter, and she curled right into him practically falling asleep in his arms. Rosie was so obviously a daddy's girl and it made Scarlett's heart warm.

Scarlett noticed how tightly yet gingerly he held onto her, as if he was afraid she might break if he let her go. She had always dreamed of having a family of her own, but she never imagined it to be as amazing as this.

"Can me and Jam Jam still play a little longer?" Dalia asked her own mother, Benjamin standing right beside her.

Tella laughed and nodded. "Of course, darling." She turned to Scarlett, "We can watch them while you tuck Rosaletta in."

"Thank you." Scarlett squeezed Tella's hand as she left with Julian to tuck their daughter into bed.

"Daddy, can you make an illusion please?" She heard her niece ask, causing both her and Julian to laugh.

"She loves magic," Julian commented quietly, careful not to wake their own daughter up.

"She'll be powerful."

The statement scared Scarlett. Power often did terrible things to a person, and with a looming secret hanging between Dalia and Tella, it tinted her emotions with stormy gray worry. She needn't be scared, though. Dalia had a pure heart, and that was all it took to overcome the overwhelmingness of power.

"Legend will make sure nothing bad happens to her. He'll train her, and he will keep her safe, Crimson. Just like we do and always will with our own children." Julian almost sensed her thoughts, and Scarlett almost wondered if he could see her own colours.

She nodded while biting her cheek. She feared for the day when the Fates would seek their revenge, and she feared they would bring her family into this mess. But Julian had taught her to let that go. Scarlett wouldn't let her fear control her. Not anymore.

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