lovely, lovely massages

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Request from Aloisiea , Julian giving Scarlett a massage when her neck and back hurt
This is v steamy but not smutty so don't worry <3 just a bunch of steamy fluff and Julian showing his wife love with his hands

Scarlett groaned in frustration. She had been signing paperwork for majority of the day, causing a sore neck and back. She tried twisting, stretching, and rolling her head back and forth, but she was still in pain.

Scarlett pressed her hand behind her back to try and crack it, but had no luck.

"Crimson, what on Earth are you doing?"

Scarlett turned to see Julian entering their room, reading glasses sat atop his nose and a book in his hand. She always loved when he wore his reading glasses. He looked so adorable with them on.

"My back and neck are aching, that's all, my love. I think it's from sitting and craning my neck all day," Scarlett responded softly, watching as Julian walked over and rested his glasses atop their night stand.

"Turn around," Julian commanded, rubbing oil into his hands.

Scarlett's eyebrows scrunched together in confusion, but complied none the less. She felt his hands undoing the lace on the back of her bodice, gasping when he folded it over so her back — and front for that matter — was exposed.


"Shhh." Julian's hands began to massage her shoulders, hands kneading her bare skin. "Relax, sweetheart."

Scarlett stifled a moan at the feel of his hands and the use of the nickname. She breathed in deeply as Julian worked the knots out of her neck.

"So tense," he murmured, breath tickling the nape of her neck.

"Oh," Scarlett sighed, lowering her head as he continued to give her a massage. She gave appreciative hums of glee, encouraging Julian to keep going.

Not only were his hands easing the pain in her neck, but leaving little sparks behind. His lips brushed the skin on her neck, making Scarlett's breathing pick up.

"Lay on the bed for me, Crimson. On your stomach, face down."

She nodded, mouth going dry. Her heart raced in her chest as she climbed onto the bed and followed Julian's instructions.

"Hm," he hummed. "Your skirt's getting in the way. Flip over for a moment please."

Scarlett turned over, cheeks flushing when Julian studied her naked upper half. His grin was sultry and seductive, and it made her already fast paced heart flutter even more.

"Hips up."

Burning. Her body was in flames, and he was igniting her further with every touch. She lifted her hips, and Julian took the opportunity to lift her dress off of her in one fluid motion. It hit the floor with a soft thud.

His cool hands attached to her bare waist, guiding her to flip back over. "Now let's take care of that sore back, shall we?"

"Please." Scarlett felt the whimper pass her lips and she squeezed her eyes shut, glad Julian couldn't see her face.

His hands massaged her back now, and he must have reapplied oil to his hands, because they were softer than they were before and the scent of almonds wafted the air.

Julian worked his way down her back and- "Oh, Julian. There, that feels... mmph."

The heels of his palms dug into the knot in her back, working it out. Even before they shared their first kiss, Julian showed her how gifted he was with his hands. He just explored her back at the inn and it sent her brain into a lustful frenzy. It was as if Julian had a sixth sense, and it was knowing exactly where to touch Scarlett, and how to touch her.

"Saints above, Julian," she groaned into the pillow, her body feeling loose and tense at the same time. But tense in a good way. Tense because of the boy who was giving her a massage.

Scarlett let her breathing even out, feeling her chest rise and fall as Julian finished up the massage. Her mind and body felt at peace as Julian peppered kisses up and down her spine.

She felt his words vibrating against her neck. "Feeling better, my empress?"

His arms wrapped around her waist, hands resting against her stomach.

"Mhm," she managed. "You should give me massages more often."

"Yeah?" He shifted so that he was lying beside her, and Scarlett turned on her side to meet his eyes. "If that's what you desire, Crimson. I'd be more than happy to. It gives me an excuse to have my hands all over you."

Scarlett laughed, pressing her forehead against his. "I love you," she whispered against his lips. "So much."

The atmosphere seemed to sober up. His eyes bored into hers deliberately as a few moments of silence passed between them. "And I love you too. Adore you, actually."

The word adore sparked an idea in Scarlett's mind. She rolled on top and over him, reaching to grab his reading glasses and slide them onto his face. "You look so adorable with your glasses on."

Scarlett didn't think that Julian was capable of blushing, but his cheeks definitely had a rose tinge to them as he smiled with a flustered expression. "I'd say sophisticated is more accurate."

Scarlett grabbed Julian's shirt collar and rubbed her nose against his. "Yes, that too. My very adorably sophisticated husband."

I think it's an actual crime at the low number of Scarlian fanfics there are. Like I keep checking to see if anyone has wrote anything but there's literally nOthing. And the few fics there are I've reread them so many times. So, I do the work myself 🫶🏻

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