kisses of revenge

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Rewrite of jealous Scarlett. I kinda butchered the other one so I wanted to write more jealousy.
Summary: set post-legendary, pre-finale. Scarlett and Julian are on messy terms, and Julian attempts revenge because of the goddamn count.

Scarlett didn't know why she came here. She really didn't like Caraval, and yet she was at her second Caraval after-party.

"I think this is the first time in history that someone's attended two after-parties who isn't one of Legend's performers," Aiko commented, tone rather neutral.

Scarlett turned her head, not even noticing Aiko walk up to her. "What an honour," she said dryly.

An airy laugh passed through Aiko's lips.

The gardens were rather magical. Scarlett half wished she could just get lost in the magic, sip on the liquid cherry cheer and witnesswonders, like carnations carolling... or daisies dancing.

Her eyes observed the grounds, half imagining her fantasy, half searching.

"Looking for someone?" Aiko asked smugly, pulling Scarlett back to reality.

"My sister," she replied. "She's the one who roped me into coming to this thing."

A dark eyebrow raised. "You really aren't all that good at lying, Miss Dragna."

"I beg your pardon?"

"I know I'm a lot of things, but a fool isn't one of them. He's by the stone fountains."

Scarlett sucked in a breath. The last time she had seen Julian, he'd told her he was planning on leaving a week for an errand. Which was right after she told him she was giving Nicolas a chance. She couldn't help but wonder if she was the reason he was leaving. Or more specifically, Nicolas.

After mumbling an ashamed 'thank you', Scarlett navigated through the gardens until she caught a glimpse of the actor who held the reins on her heart. The lovesick organ pounded in her chest when she saw him and her dress responded in turn. Fabric fell until she was left in a soft pink sleeveless gown with a neckline that showed more cleavage than she was used to.

When she passed the hedge that obstructed part of her view, Scarlett realized she wasn't alone.

Julian was talking to—no—flirting with Angelique, of all the actresses. She watched as Angelique said something (probably of no substance), and Julian laughed in response. Shades of emerald envy swirled around her as Scarlett's mood soured. Stuck like glue, her feet remained in place beside that hedge, lips puckering from the bad taste in her mouth as Julian caressed Angelique's arm. Gross.

Julian was supposed to be caressing Scarlett. Laughing at her jokes, whispering dirty little things in her ear; not messing around with Angelique. Albeit Scarlett was giving Nicolas a chance too, she wasn't prepared for Julian to be playing with other girls at the same time. Was this how he felt when she announced her kindling things with the count? Acid mixed with bile, and an incredibly tight feeling winded in her stomach.

Amber eyes locked on hers. Her stomach flipped. Julian gave her a signature wicked twist of his mouth before tucking a chunk of hair behind Angelique's ear. Scarlett was half tempted to walk away until she realized Julian was merely doing what he did best.

Playing a game.

And Scarlett was going to win.

A server said something she didn't pick up on, all of her attention on the actor in front of her, but she figured he just said something about the magical flavour of wine. Scarlett needed the confidence anyway, so she picked up the glass and took a sip.

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