The stars interrupt this program...

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{part 1.5 of my golden princess}

The stars watched greedily at the girl before them, sunlight absorbing her skin. No one could see them in the daylight, concealed by the brightest star of them all, and while it was harder for them to look, they watched her anyways.

The girl lay atop cushions on the floor of the observatory, pouring over letters from subjects and paperwork for guards and armies and small governments. She was meant to rule, the way she carried herself and the way she treated others.

The stars liked it when she glowed. There was only one night when she truly glowed, bathed in a forbidden magic while sacrificing a part of herself for brief moments. But sacrifices cannot be undone, the stars never forgot that.

A purple liquid swirled around in a shot glass in her hand, and she threw it back down her throat quickly. She looked a little more human now, the sun didn't radiate off of her nearly as much before.

The stars inched back in distaste.

A boy appeared to walk through the archway, and the girl dropped the glass, it shattered on the ground. Shards flew.

The boy laughed, and the girl laughed too. But laughter turned into hysteria before shimmering into tears. The boy held her carefully as if she would break too.

And then there was yelling.

The stars came forward again. The storm was rolling in.

Rain drops rolled down both of their faces, but the boy was thundering. And then there was lightening, and it came from the girl.

But thankfully for the couple, storms never lasted long. And there was calm again.

Murmurs of what the stars deciphered as it's not fair were whispered.

The girl seemed even more human as she kissed the boy, but the stars knew better.

She was one of them.

They wondered how long it would be before she joined them.

There were two stars who recently appeared who watched over the girl consistently. Whether it was night or day, they watched. One sometimes moved to watch another girl, but the other stayed stubborn like a sun.

The girl looked up at the stars, and they feared for a moment that she could see them in the day. But she turned away, and kissed the boy once more. They leaned closer yet, watching the magic spark in the most vulnerable moment they had yet to witness.

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