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chapter xxvii: she's back

The devil made a deal with the contractor because they want something too, right?  Thus as said, the contract won't become invalid unless both parties agree on the annulment of the contract

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The devil made a deal with the contractor because they want something too, right? Thus as said, the contract won't become invalid unless both parties agree on the annulment of the contract.

Back to the Paths a few days ago:

"It seems like we can't reach an agreement," said Ymir with a blank face but (Name) knew she was smirking behind those nasty bangs of hers.

"You've always wanted to come here, (Name)." Started Ymir, "you never stood out against the crowd in your world. You blended too well and were too normal."

"Where are you going with thi--"

"Here," Ymir began once again. "You're special. You have strengths normal these people don't. You're fawned over by the people and they give you respect. Not only do you stand out in this crowd, but you also have POWER over the crowd"

(Name) remained silent. She didn't know exactly what to feel upon hearing Ymir's words.

Should she be hurt? But what she said was true. You were never special back then.

How does Ymir know all of this? Has she been watching?

Ymir took a step back giving her a sly smile. "Seems like no one wanted the deal to end anyways."


It's been a couple of weeks since then and there are still no signs of (Name) waking up. Ilse and her friends haven't heard of the news inside the walls too, so they have not a single idea of the raid in Stohess District.

Everything didn't exactly go as planned, but they managed to capture Annie who encased herself in crystal before the battle between her and titaned Eren finished. Their battle killed a few civilians. Eren and Annie stomped through the brick road as if they didn't care about the lives they took.

On her way to escape, she ripped a piece of the wall which revealed the face of a colossal titan.

This brought brief panic to everyone, but the priest demanded the hole to be patched and the face must never meet the sun. The nights after that, he was taken into interrogation and spilled a few secrets held within the church.

And since the Female Titan was within the recent trainees, the 104th cadets were held for observation in castle ruins south of the outer walls in Sina.

Sasha and Connie placed their palms on the side of their cheeks. Leaning into it as they stare at the windows in boredom. "My village isn't far south here, you know.." Began Connie.

"My hometown's close by, too," Sasha added.

Behind them were Reiner and Bertholdt playing a friendly game of chest. Too many thoughts ran through their minds that the only way to keep them bottled and safe was through a game with kings and its pawns.

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