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chapter vii: the battle of trost

chapter vii: the battle of trost

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Everybody remembers Ymir. Ymir Fritz. The girl who made a deal with the earth devil 1,820 years ago, granting her the powers of a titan.

Thirteen years later, she died and her soul was split into 9.

These 9 souls were the Titans.

Beast Titan

Cart Titan

Armored Titan

Female Titan

Attack Titan

War Hammer

Jaw Titan.

Evrybody remembers and know the story, but what we all forgot was the devil Ymir made a deal with.

In a different universe, in a different timeline, in a different world, this devil was reincarnated into a beautiful young lady. A lady with h/c (hair color) hair, e/c (eye color) eyes. She holds the power of this devil.

What she gave, she can always take back.

the question is,

does she know how?

𝐘/𝐧'𝐬 𝐏𝐎𝐕

I can feel it. Today's the big day.

Last night was the ceremony. 218 out of all trainees graduated, some with honors. A celebration occured last night and so did Eren's speech.

I was walking on top of the walls. I looked around and saw no one..yet. I stopped on my tracks and looked at the view beyond me.

It did seem like a normal day for the civilians. There were children running around, the noise of the market can be heard all the way from here.

My thoughts were cut off when a sudden pair of footsteps were heard. I decided to make myself invisible, to watch him do it.

It is him.

He stopped walking just beside me. I knew he couldn't see me but I could see that he had an uneasy look on his face. It was like, he was so unsure of what he's doing.

Unexpectedly, he was alone. I thought Reiner was going to be with him but I guess not. Then, a few moments after, he, Bertholdt jumped off the wall.

3𝐫𝐝 𝐏𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐨𝐧'𝐬 𝐏𝐎𝐕

"I'm willing to share! Imagine all the sandwiches we can make!" Sasha exclaimed while showing the big chunky roll of meat that she hid in her jacket.

"I would like a piece please!"

"Hey! If he's getting, might as well get some!" Connie.

"Me too! I'm in on it too!" says a girl with pigtails (I forgot her name.)

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