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chapter viii: it is not your fault, armin

Everybody listened to Mikasa and started to zoom off

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Everybody listened to Mikasa and started to zoom off. Marco heaved a sigh and looked towards Y/n's place but she never saw her.

All he saw was Y/n's gear on the rooftop. "Reiner! Where's Y/n?!" A panicked Marco said.

Only the three fof them were left, Bertholdt, Reiner and Marco. Reiner looked around. Marco kneeled down and grabbed Y/n's maneuvere gear. "She left her maneuver gear! She might have jumped off the roof!"

Bertholdt used his wires to hook to the other roof and attempted to look for Y/n but there was no one insight below.

"Where are you?"

Mikasa was using to much of her gas. She did as she said and slayed all the titans in her way. Not long after, Mikasa's gas gave up.

She fell down at a rapid pace and hit the roof before falling. "Mikasa!" Armin shouts .

"Jean! Lead everybody to the HQ! I'll go with Armin!" Connie shouts as he went to Armin.

Mikasa fell on top of a tent and rolled down to the ground.

"Shit!" She heard a feminine voice say. Mikasa pulled herself up and glanced at where the voice came from. "Why'd you have to fall in this alley?! I thought I came to a different one. Argh!" The girl said panicking.

"Y/n?" She asked.

The girl turned to Mikasa and it was indeed Y/n.

"Y/n?! Where's your gear?! How did you get here withou a gear?!" Mikasa asked.

Armin and Connie came afterwards and saw Y/n, standing in the same alleyway at Mikasa. Y/n stood on the side with a nevouse smile on her face.

"Y/n?! Where's your gear?! Did you run out of gas?!" Connie asked.

Y/n just shook her head, "Shit happens you know," She said while walking towards Mikasa. "Sometimes, things just go really unexpected and then here you guys are. In the brink of extinction and I don't even know what to do." She continued as she walked towards Mikasa.

"What do you mean?!" Armin asks.

She came to a halt when unexpected thumps on the ground were heard. The four of them looked towards the direction and saw a titan walking towards them.

"I'll get it!" Connie said but Y/n stopped her with her arms, blocking Connie.

"I got this." Y/n said.

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