There Are Things Better Left Unsaid

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(Nobody POV)

When the Unquenchable is quenched and the Unbreakable breaks, it becomes useless.

However, if they become one, the power bestowed is limitless, creating the conditions for the form known as the Final Permafrost. But how could the two who were born to repel, merge into one?

In the end, both will die by the end of daylight ... or one will live as an unstoppable force, blessed by the other's dying breath.

What a tragic gamble of life and death.




UN's eyes snapped open as he woke with a start. The message dug into his head, refusing to fade. But why now?

"Those boys better be behaving," he grumbled as he lifted himself out of his covers but the unsettling feeling was still chilling him to the core. Water was waiting on his bedside table and he picked it up and brought it to his lips.

"He will live as an unstoppable force, blessed by the other's dying breath."

He couldn't bring himself to drink and lowered his hand. He watched wearily as it trembled, shaking the glass of water he held.

It slipped and shattered.

He opened the chamber door to meet a surprised attendant.

"Sir, I heard the sound of glass breaking. Is everything alright?"

"Yes I'm fine. It was nothing more than an unfortunate accident that needs to be cleaned up."

"Of course sir. I will tidy it up right away."

UN smiled wryly to himself as he made his way to his office.

"Yes... it was nothing more. Just an accident..."




NASA was slumped over her desk, staring at the wall with empty eyes. The projectors that displayed a series of maps and diagrams flickered and shut off automatically, leaving her in the dark.

She remained in this state for a while longer until a soft knock on her door alerted her.

"Er- come in," she responded and a country carrying a giant box struggled to push his way into the room. NASA rushed to the door to assist.

"These are the materials you requested," Canada explained as he set the supplies down onto the floor. NASA gave him a small, weak smile.

"Thank you, I appreciate it."

Canada frowned, "Miss? Are you alright? You seem a bit distant."

"Oh it's nothing. I'll be fine."

"Is there anything I can help you with? I have a bit of time to spare."

NASA hesitated as she thought about it and finally nodded, "Yes, if you don't mind..."


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