Swapped Roles Harry Potter AU

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AU Premise: Instead of Tom Riddle, the main antagonist is Grindlewald, who has gone into hiding. Tom Riddle adopts Draco Malfoy after killing his parents, and Dumbledore isn't the headmaster. He emotionally manipulated Tom, and Tom would have fallen down that rabbit hole indeed.

AU Bio: A Swapped Roles AU of Harry Potter, with Dumbledore bashing. The Philosopher's Stone was destroyed by Tom in the first year, the Invisibility Cloak is in Tom's possession, and the Elder Wand belongs to Minerva McGonagall, the current headmistress of Hogwarts. The Ministress of Magic is a kind and wise user of the Dark Arts, Dolores Umbridge. It also serves as a base world for the HP multiverse, and seems to be connected to the Ex-P worlds of Yuukoku no Moriarty, Bugsbot, It's Your Turn Eri (by mama_kurogiri), Aconite Blooms (by mama_kurogiri and me), and Tobot V3. It is also apparently connected to the Digimon Ghost Game world.


Draco Riddle: Abused from a young age due to the lack of powerful magic as most Malfoys did, he was rescued by Tom when he was 8, but the fight that ensued led to the deaths of his parents. As a result of their abuse, he is a timid and shy child, terrified of letting anyone down even at the cost of his own health. However, he has a heart of gold and would do anything to help his friends, again, at his own cost. He is currently bonded with Oda Sakunosuke.

Tom Riddle: The Defense against the Dark Arts teacher of Hogwarts, he is skilled in many spells, and has been teaching Draco the basics

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Tom Riddle: The Defense against the Dark Arts teacher of Hogwarts, he is skilled in many spells, and has been teaching Draco the basics. However, Tom also acts like a tsundere to most people and can come off as arrogant to those meeting him for the first time. Once one gets to know him, they will know he's just a sweetheart at heart. He was emotionally manipulated by Dumbledore and it would have worked had it not been for stumbling across the Malfoy estate and seeing how bad Draco was treated. This inspired him to turn from his ways. 

Minerva McGonagall: The Headmistress of Hogwarts after Dumbledore was kicked out, and the current owner of the Elder Wand

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Minerva McGonagall: The Headmistress of Hogwarts after Dumbledore was kicked out, and the current owner of the Elder Wand. Outside she may seem aloof, strict, and demanding, but she is actually very concerned for all her students. She is willing to fight to the death for any of them and runs the school with an iron hand to ensure they grow up in an emotionally stable school after what happened with Tom. She blames herself for letting Grindlewald and Dumbledore get too far, and so she is beginning to bring awareness about caring for one's mental state to the school. 

Dolores Umbridge: The Ministress of Magic, she is actually a user of the Dark Arts, but she is kind and accepting of Muggles. In her eyes, she thinks that humans and wizardkind can learn to coexist since she had grown up in an accepting household. She had been against the Quadwizard Tournament, yet she was overpowered by the other members of the Ministry. She hates this and wishes that she could be stronger, and also blames herself for letting Grindlewald go crazy since they had trained together in the usage of Dark Arts. She is also the mother of Takashiro Itsuki. 

Gellert Grindelwald: An orphan whose parents were killed by Muggles, Grindlewald is now a bloodthirsty wizard who swears to kill all Muggles, considering them an abomination. He adopts Harry from his abusive parents and kills their relatives too, taking him in as his own. However, it is only due to the abuse he endured and Dumbledore's emotional manipulation that he is this way, but he eventually repents and stops. 

Harry Grindlewald Evans: The adopted son of Gellert, he was abused by his birth parents and relatives before Gellert killed them all and took him in. Even though no one knows this, he is learning Dark Arts in order to help his dad. 

Amelia Bones: A relative to Grindlewald, she wants nothing to do with him. 

Albus Dumbledore: Grindlewald's old friend, he was the reason behind Tom's near descent into madness. He has aspired to be a wandmaker, but their economy made him give it up. He was actually blackmailed into emotionally manipulating Tom by Lucius Malfoy, since he has a gift for emotional manipulation. However, he had chosen not to use it upon meeting Grindelwald. 

Lucius Malfoy/ Charles Augustus Milverton/ OD Charles Diggory: Grindelwald's co-conspirator, he had escaped the Avada Kedavra and is now in a relationship with him. It is heavily implied that it is a toxic relationship, though. He is also a Dimensional Traveller and has killed multiple people for the sake of his own selfish needs. However, it is revealed that in the past, he was abused by everyone around him, treated like trash, and experimented on by his family, the Diggorys. Eventually, he turns from his old ways and repents. He's also the true father of OD Cedric Diggory alongside Yoko Inari.

Bartemius Crouch Junior (OD): His SR self was slaughtered and he took Igor Karkaroff's place as the headmaster of Durmstrang after Igor was arrested for unorthodox and inhumane methods of training, which works because the Crouch family is part Bulgarian. He's trying his best to be a good guidance counselor to the teens in Durmstrang, so he's glad to have his father by his side. He may seem like a salty person on the outside, but he genuinely cares for everyone, probably as a result of having to go through millions of deaths in the timespan between the 1st and 2nd Reboots.

Bartemius Crouch Senior (OD): His SR self was slaughtered, and he had to go through many time loops where he watched his son die over and over again... until the Second Reboot happened and stopped it. As a result, he's gotten really good at hiding his feelings. However, his love for his son never faded, and he supports him through everything. 

Cho Chang Snyde: Her older brother Jacob was expelled from Hogwarts due to tampering with Cursed Vaults, but disappeared shortly after, making her older sister, Merula, go after him in order to find him. However, she too disappears after finding him, which leads Cho to be concerned. She is then approached by the Diggorys with a task; put Draco Riddle and Oh Taepung's names into the Cup. Her attempt is foiled by the TTS, though, and after they promise to rescue Merula, she goes willingly. 

Merula Snyde: Not much is known about her, except for the fact that she's the older sister of Cho and younger sister to Jacob. She is currently a prisoner of the Diggorys, though the purpose behind it aside from blackmailing Cho seems to be because they had been investigating Pokelantis and were working with the Diggorys, unaware of their traitorous nature until it was too late. By then, the Diggorys had forced them into the tubes, not knowing that her nephew, Amanokawa Hiro, was going to come and solve the riddles with help from his memories with his dad.

Jacob Snyde/Amanokawa Hokuto: He is the oldest of the Snyde siblings, but he is also Amanokawa Hiro's father, a brilliant genius despite his eccentricity. He married Hiro's mom because she wanted fame, and he had been so gullible. When he disappears, he leaves behind some Digivices for his son. He is eventually found in Pokelantis with Merula in a tube to keep him in a coma until Hiro came and woke him up. He used "Hiro Snyde" as the password to unlock the room containing him and Merula, and made it so that Hiro's hand kiss was the only way to bring him back out before setting a self-destruct on Pokelantis to prevent the Diggorys from using it as a prison.

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