School Ain't All Rosy (Pokemon X Back to School at 35 AU)

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AU Bio:

An AU where Gou was bullied into dropping out of school. After he reunites with Koharu, she convinces him to come back to school due to the problem that is the school caste system. As he finds more friends and gains allies to fight back, he slowly comes to find his own inner strength and eventually brings down the system once and for all.


Satoshi x Gou, Dande x Sonia, Tokio x Houji



-> the protagonist of the story. After staying home for years due to extreme bullying that led him to be a shut-in and to lose an eye, he decides to come back and fight to see a better school. A bit shy and socially awkward, he soon grows more determined and less cowardly.


-> Gou's childhood friend. She stayed in school, but she soon grew fed up with the system. While at first harsh and pushy towards Gou to help her with her goal, she grows accepting and even apologises the day the system goes down. She is a very supportive person inside and shows her socially awkward side at times too.


-> Gou's first classmate friend and eventual lover. He was homeschooled until he was 10, and has gone on journeys all around before finally entering high school, where he is looked down on. This affects his mental health, and he begins ignoring it until Gou stops him and convinces him to start loving himself more. He's a kind soul, and is passionate about helping Gou achieve his dream of reforming the school system, which is how he falls for him. They share a kiss afterwards and start dating during summer break. 


-> Gou's other childhood friend and perceived to be a member of the bullies, only to be proven wrong. He is the second friend Gou makes after they reconcile. Tokio expresses deep regret about what had happened between the two of them in their childhood, and allies himself with Gou's group to bring down the system that destroyed their friendship. 


-> Gou's third friend. Gou stood up for him when he was being treated like trash, and they bonded over their quirkiness. They study together with the others, and while he was very apprehensive at first, especially towards Tokio, he warmed up to them. He likes reading novels, and he and Gou spend time talking about their favourite books. He then allies himself with them to help them achieve their dreams.


-> Their homeroom teacher. He is a new teacher at the school, and is fiercely against the system. He and Satoshi end up bonding over their love for sports. From there he allies himself with Gou's group to finally end the system. He's very fearsome but is actually a lovable goofball with a horrible sense of direction.


-> One of the faculty members. A childhood friend of Dande's, she's a bit eccentric, but she does her best to teach her classes well. She has the dream to watch her students grow into good people, even though there were no signs of it working out. She first met Gou after he got into a fight to protect Satoshi, and this is how he gains allies in the faculty.


-> The headteacher. He grew up in a poor family and wishes to make sure the country prospers. However, his method of doing it was unethical, bordering on insanity as he set up castes and point systems to kill their emotions so they can become "beautiful" and contribute to the world as his children. He is arrested at the end of everything after a fistfight against Satoshi & Dande.


-> The secretary of Rose, who's in love with him. She is manipulative and will resort to anything to help Rose accomplish his dream. She ends up trying to kill Gou multiple times because he was "standing in the way of Rose's vision". Later on, she is revealed to have been abused until Rose saved her. She is arrested at the end. 

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