Null Gwen AU has Stronger Character Development

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In the end, my arrogance killed her. My self-confidence was what ended her life.

Benjamin Tennyson was shattered after the death of his cousin, Gwendolyn Tennyson, during a battle when he was ten. Scarred, depressed, and mourning, Ben retreated from the world of hero work, unable to look at the Omnitrix without bursting into tears.

However, when Kevin Levin approached him that night, he found himself slowly returning to hope from  the despair he had been sinking into. The pain in his heart began to heal. As he gradually grew smarter and wiser, he and Kevin keep up their work, searching for Grandpa Max while fighting others, also unlocking Gwen's powers out of nowhere.

After Ultimate Alien happened, Ben has grown even wiser. He became a shy, reserved teen with a huge golden heart that one could never believe was from him. While he still got flashbacks again and again, Rook, his new partner after Kevin left to find his own path, helps calm him down. He is also shown to be more accepting of the notion of more Omnitrixes out there alongside Plumbers. Meanwhile, Rook is considered a mother hen to Ben due to how.... Oblivious he could be when he wanted to.



This AU looks good I hope.

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