Bakugan Battle Planet OC

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Name: Amano Shizuka, eventually changed to "Ichita Shinkawa Dusk"

Nickname: Zuka, IchiIchi, Chita, ChiChi

Age: 12

Gender: demiboy (uses he or they, varying on certain days), AFAB

Looks: light brown hair, black eyes, light skin, green hoodie, blue shirt, navy jeans, purple shoes

Main Bakugan: Aquos Minx Elfin, Aurelus Tiko [Geogan Arc]

Romantic Interest/Crush: Dan Kouzo (queerplatonic crush)

Current Team: Pyrus Cubbo, Pyrus Venoclaw, Aquos Minx Elfin, Aurelus Tiko

Personality: a bit shy, curious, excitable, kind, gullible, tend to do the wrong thing for the right reason, smart, has a heck ton of self-esteem issues, snarky as heck (will salt anyone-- not even Dan is safe--)

Background: He realized he identified as a male early, much to his parents' disapproval, and was shunned by everyone growing up. This caused him to run away from Shizuoka, his home prefecture, and he traveled the world (he's been to who-knows-where at this rate) searching for a place to stay until he reached Las Volmos, where he meets Dan and is convinced to stay. When the Bakugan appeared, he met Elfin and they became partners, spending time together and growing interested in Bakugan. 


- tends to talk bad about himself

- he cuts himself off in conversation with others, most commonly in conversations with Dan, but it has improved significantly over the 5 months after joining the team

- he plays with a hair strand when he's nervous and embarrassed 

Parents: neglected after coming out as demi boy, he is now living in his own house after changing his name, severed ties with them because they are now in prison after trying to take him back by force using Bakugan (they were defeated by Dan and Ichita working together to fight them back, and Ichita gives Dan a peck on the cheek afterwards), is adopted by Benton eventually 

Nationality: Japanese

He is also an Aura Adept (a rare case) due to his family's connection to the goddess Chang-e, although he pushes it down until the Shizuoka Catastrophe arc, where he stops his entire prefecture from being wiped out by his uncle and finally unleashes his Aura. From there, he's grown to be more proficient with his Aura reading and harnessing, even able to temporarily fuse BakuCores by connecting Auras. 


Dan Kouzo --> They're seatmates in class, and he has a slight crush on Dan due to how amazing he is. He tends to brush off any indication that Dan likes him back, although that is the truth, mainly due to the internalising homophobia. After officially joining the brawlers, they begin to realise their feelings for each other, finally beginning to date each other before the Geogan arc. It is revealed eventually that Dan was a bit lonely growing up as well, but had Zuka as company until he became friends with Lia and Wynton, which leads them to drift apart. However, their feelings for each other are still strong, proven when Dan doesn't hesitate to join in the battle against Ichita's parents in order to keep Ichita safe. [He also calls Dan An, mainly as a nickname but due to the fact that An in Chinese can mean Darkness or Safety, and Ichita prefers the latter, considering Dan's always doing his best for others' safety. When the nickname's meaning is revealed Ichita is so embarrassed.] [Dan calls him Chita cause he's "the cheetah who stole my heart the day we met". Ichita dies of embarrassment after hearing that.][After the Mystic Arc the nicknames change into D and ChiChi, signifying the solidifying of their relationship into queerplatonic.]

Lia Venegas --> He helps Lia out with the video editing and makes a website where anyone can access Bakugan info, although he adds in a location tracker so they can know who's good and who's bad. 

Wynton Styles --> He is put off by Wynton's laidback nature, but soon he grows used to it and actually has fun with Wynton.

Shun Kazami-->  He and Shun appreciate the other, and they tend to spend time geeking out over Bakugan together, although Shun sometimes tries to point him to Dan as a romantic interest. He and Shun eventually work together as the CEOs of Kazami Holdings AND Animus Dusk in a lot of projects.

Dia (venusaura's OC) --> He cares a lot for her, and they tend to spend time with their Bakugan sparring or just doing homework together. It's because of him that Dia's parents are more aware of the side-effects of working so far away and decide to try being there for their daughter, and he would protect Dia without a second thought.

Marduk --> He thinks Marduk can be saved, and oftentimes tries to convince him to stop, that this isn't the right way. Marduk never really listens, but he does have a soft spot for him. 

Lightning --> He loves Lightning, and although he questions how a dog can be partners with a Bakugan, he doesn't mind, since Lightning is a cutie. [Sometimes Dan gets jealous that he calls Lightning a cutiepie]

Ajit --> He is actually cool with Ajit, and tends to tell Ajit stories about Dan (all of which Ajit loves and records to embarrass him with). They also bond over their less than good backgrounds. 

Benton Dusk --> He cares a lot for Benton, especially after he is adopted by the older male. It is Benton who pushes Ichi to ask Dan out on a date.

Philomena Dusk --> Despite her hard exterior, Ichita knows that there's a kind person underneath, so he would do anything for her. He is willing to even put himself in danger to bring his cousin home for her. 

Baehoshi Dusk --> Ichita and Baehoshi get along, and he cares a lot for his cousins, proven when he nearly exhausts himself protecting them from Nianshou. Baehoshi calls him IchiIchi because he thinks it's cute. 

Sarki Sean --> She spends a lot of time training in martial arts with Ichita, and the two work together well as a team when dealing with threats. 

Inizio Ranaan --> They think he's a really nice person, and loves him for who he is. It's Ichita who pushes Inizio to confess to Brakken about their feelings, and they are grateful for that. 

Seath Taite --> Although at first they clashed due to Seath's... less than healthy ways of coping, they slowly become close friends and Seath won't let others hurt their cousin.

Masato Kazami --> He and Masato get along due to complicated backstories, and tend to converse in rapid Japanese when they're so deep into the topic. 

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