Two Sides Prevail in the Poke-Digi Shinbi-Side World

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AU Bio:

A Swapped Stories AU with a fusion of the Pokemon and Digimon casts in the mixed world of Shadowside and Shinbi Apartment. This AU also derives from my personal headcanon that Masaru, Taichi, Daisuke, Takato, Takuya and Taiki are aware of Youkai in the original world, while taking into account how similar Digimon Ghost Game is to Shadowside.


Tomoki x Satoshi X Gou (BrokenByLifeShipping), Takuya x Takato, Kouji x Izumi, Junpei x Kouichi, Taiki x Daisuke


In Shadowside, a Youkai has two sides; the docile side, Lightside, and the more violent yet battle-ready side, Shadowside. The Youkai Watch Elda, or in this case, the Y-Scanners, allows the wielders to summon friends to their aid while scanning the area for Youkai. This AU also utilizes 絆 (Kizuna = Bonds), where two or more people bond and fight together with the help of MythiSoul, a mysterious power lying in the soul. Fusions and evolutions are also possible for them here. They call the fusion Ancient Almagamation. The team is called the Mythical Tanteisha.

In Shinbi Aparteu, the ghosts are like Youkai, but they don't have sides. They look more similar to the generic look in horror movies. After they pass on, their original forms can be allies and they are summoned with a Ghost Ball, or, in this case, a G-Arc. Kizunas can also be seen here.

This AU sees that Youki can take the form of many elements, specifically the ten elements shown in Frontier (Fire, Wind, Darkness, Light, Thunder, Ice, Water, Wood, Steel, Earth).


1. Kanbara Takuya

He's the leader of the agency, and he's balanced out by Kouji due to his recklessness. However, he is also smart and can plan out battles quite well due to being a strategist for his soccer team. While unfamiliar with the world of Youkai at first, he becomes well-versed with the language those who can't speak Japanese use and can translate for them no matter what they're saying, like Pikachu, Hibunny, Messon and Sarunori. He has a crush on Takato, who he thinks likes Jianliang until Takato confesses to him, which surprises him a lot. His Youki Element is Fire, and he fights with physical hand-to-hand combat.

-> Agni(L)/Vritra(S) --> Flalda --> Kaiser Grey --> Susanoo

He's Takuya's partner, known as the Legendary Warrior of Fire before his reincarnation, and eventually ended up being Takuya's guardian spirit. He's calm and rational, although, like the fire he represents, he's very determined and can get hot-headed at times.

-> Gattenmaiar (L)/ ? (S)

She is Takuya's other partner, who serves him without a question, but she also has a snarky side to her. She sometimes roasts people unintentionally and helps lighten the mood often after a hard battle. She cares for Takuya and the others, making sure they get what they need.

2. Minamoto Kouji

He's a martial artist who can fight well, thinking calmly as opposed to Takuya's quick thinking. He has read a lot of books on Youkai, but is still learning with his friends about their mysteries. He cares a lot for his friends and tries to spend some quality time with them despite being awkward with situations like these. After confessing to Izumi about his crush on her (she's so extroverted and beautiful, in his words), she begins helping him grow more comfortable with his friends to the point that he can accept Satoshi and Gou warmly. His Youki Element is Light, and he fights with a kendo stick.

-> Lobo Wolf(L)/Strabi Garum(S) --> Beo Wolf --> Magna Garurum --> Susanoo

He's Kouji's partner, known as the Legendary Warrior of Light before his reincarnation, and eventually ended up being Kouji's guardian spirit. He's stubborn and doesn't give up, yet he does listen to others to some degree. He looks cold on the outside, but he's actually really kind and chivalrous.

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