A New OC: Akura Tokina

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Name: Akura Tokina (Male)

Sexuality: Asexual (Minecraftkunoichi)

Age: 12

Parent: Dingyo Ju (only matters if you know Tobot, 24)

Current Guardian: Ondol Dokgo (21)

Older Sibling: Denu Tokina (15)

Weapons: A staff that allows him to use Egyptian magic and strange fairy-like magic on his enemies, A drawing pen given by one of his uncles which can bring things to life. (Bearlywrote's Cubbonyan, though this doesn't really affect anything.)

Fears: Betrayal, Talking about his mental scars (mainly from how heartbroken his mother and brother were). 

Looks: Pale skin, light pink (like REALLY light) hair, black eyes, pink shirt, peach jacket, light brown pants, grey shoes, his staff is minimalised into a cross necklace, showing his religion. 

Background: His mother moved them to Bellwood for a fresh start after their father left them. Akura grew up not knowing his father and only relying on his brother. When they had to move again, Denu decided to let his sibling stay in Bellwood to train more, since no one paid attention to the magical side due to the alien things. And so Akura ended up with his uncle Ondol. 

Personality: Studious, Understanding, Caring, Chivalrous, Misses his family

Weaknesses: Scared of strangers, needs a hearing aid to calm him down. 


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