Even if Friends Go Away, We Won't Leave You Here (PHMTCOHT AU Oneshot)

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tuanhmyy294 Set after episode 22 of Tobot V3. 


The fifteen-year-old turned away from the door, trying to pretend he was asleep, "M tired..." 

"You're not tired. You did a 180 a while ago. And you could reply. That was not exhausted speech," Taeyang's voice wafted from beside Pilseung, and the other nudged him as he stepped into the room. "Ow, Pilseung..." 

"That is not helping," Pilseung chided his husband in reply. "We're supposed to be comforting him, not getting mad at him."

"I know, but--" 

"We didn't teach him to lie, yes, but who would want to worry their family?" 

"... Right. Sorry about that, Taepung..."

Taepung groaned inwardly, but eventually sighed as he got up. Better to get it over and done with so he could sleep, "What's wrong?" 

"You know what's up," Taeyang sternly said, yet the creases on his forehead showed concern. "What happened with that Superbot thing?... I only heard reports from the eyewitness reports and the CCTVs." 

"You were very quiet at dinner too," Pilseung added. "And you didn't eat much even though I ordered some of Sebastian's dad's pizza... Did you... feel anything from that?"

"It's just that..." he exhaled quietly, and was grateful when his parents didn't interject. "He played on... the fact that I felt utterly useless. Every time we fight a villain, they're always the ones fighting. So... I wanted to help them... and... I also hated that everyone laughed at me for being small, so I thought that maybe I could change their thoughts about me..." 

The two shared a glance, and Pilseung slowly moved closer, making sure to stay alert for any signs that he was uncomfortable as he hugged him. Taeyang joined him soon after, and Pilseung said, "We get the feeling, Taepung. When we were Pilots, we couldn't do anything." 

"Well, I didn't do anything," Taeyang corrected. "Your dad defeated Demonseu while I was in the Dark Matter Realm." 

"You did a lot, idiot," Pilseung shook his head. "But we couldn't do much either. We had to watch our friends get hurt... And it scared me. But I slowly came to accept that we can only give them emotional support. If we're not there, people could get hurt. So we trust in our friends and fight." 

"As for the other thing, who gives a care about them? You know you the most, and if they can't appreciate it, they snooze they lose cause they can't see how wonderful you are," Taeyang added. "You don't have to follow what they say. Sure you'll make mistakes, but that's what being human's all about. No one's perfect, but we just try to live our lives the way we're supposed to, giving hope and light to others and helping them even if they've hurt us." 

"And even if they say stuff like that, we won't care," Pilseung let his hand touch Taepung's right cheek. "We won't leave you, Taepung. You can be sure of that." 

"Even if friends go away, we won't leave you, Taepung," Taeyang held his son's other cheek, a warm smile on his face.

Taepung's eyes watered hearing this, and he hugged both of them, sniffling as he sobbed out, "G-Gomawo..." 

The two just hugged him back, and the three stayed there for a long while until Taepung fell asleep with both of them on either side. A tight fit, but worth it. 

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