Meet Mao Mao the Psychologist!

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In this AU, Mao Mao is kinder, much nicer, still struggles with his identity but can show them more openly. He believes in second chances and rarely fights, because it brings back bad memories of himself before he was helped. 

After his father said that he would never be a hero, he fell into a depression and didn't care for his health at all. His mother, worried, then sent him to therapy, where he was helped by a kind person named Snugglemagne. While his Heuristic Personality Disorder and social anxiety never truly left him, he now had the motivation to help others just like how Snugglemagne had. This led him to become a therapist in later life. 

He met Badgerclops during his travels to help others like himself. Badgerclops had seen his motive as valiant, and decided to be his assistant so he could learn more. When they visited Pure Heart, Adorabat joined them as his other assistant so she could be like Mao Mao. They then proceeded to stay there to rehabilitate the Sky Pirates, who had been captured on the same day of their arrival. 

Shin Mao is still very much a jerk in this AU, but Mao Mao's sisters call him from time to time not only to check up on him, but also to vent out on him. He is usually okay with it, and actually teases his sisters whenever they do. They love him very much, and it shows when they all visit to help him with his work. 

Mao Mao's vision is a world where no one is discriminated. No more blood spilt, no more pain and suffering. He intends to start this vision in Pure Heart, which inspired Adorabat to join him in his mission to accomplish it. He is also a public speaker who enjoys giving talks to the people who need it. 

Mao Mao usually wears a red shirt, orange pants and a yellow jacket which reminds Badgerclops of a sunflower sometimes. While BC still wears the same as before, he doesn't have his cyborg arm, and thus has intact arms. Adorabat is still the same, but when it's time to get to work, she usually wears a nurse hat, saying, "Let's fight cruelty guys!"

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