SSV-mas Day 21: Show of the Ages (Suppressed Emotions)

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Perhaps a hidden talent is yet to be shown, what can the formerly repressed teen do as a talent?

SCHRIK: *laughing as he tries to carry two of the younger kids visiting Nightopia* Alright, alright, I get it! Go to the stage to wait! I know you're excited but this is a bit too much! 

KID 1: But it's been FOREVER since we've seen you dance! 

KID 2: Yeah! You stopped dancing when you were sent to that orphanage! We really love your dancing! *eyes sparkle* Even if this is a dream, we're so happy that we can watch you perform again! 

SCHRIK: *blushes* Alright, alright, I get it! Now go and have fun, you little gremlins! *sets them down and watches them run off*

LUCYRE: *joins him, curious* You know them?

SCHRIK: From my time on the streets before ending up in the orphanage... *smiles sheepishly* I used to freestyle dance during that time to entertain the others, but I gave up once I was caught. In my eyes, why bother when no one would care, you get it?


SCHRIK: Don't worry! *smiles reassuringly* That all changes today. It's... kinda nerve-wracking, actually. I don't know if I'll do okay with the dancing, it's been that long... *rubs neck* 

LUCYRE: *places hand on his shoulder, he looks over, she smiles* Well, you know what I think? I believe you will do spectacularly! You have been practicing this dance for a while haven't you?

SCHRIK: *eyes widen* LUCyRE...

LUCYRE: So, go and bring smiles onto their faces! The stage is yours, as they say! *gently nudges him*

SCHRIK: A-Alright! Yeah, I've got this! *jogs to backstage*

LUCYRE: *smiles, joins the others* He's ready.

HELEN: *panic* Okay, I may be a tad bit worried...

CLARIS: *gulps* I getcha. We're both performing before he is, sure, but Schrik seems like the kind of guy to freeze up on stage. 

ELLIOT: Let's have a bit of faith in him, guys. Schrik's pretty strong from what I've seen. 

WILLIAM: Yeah! We just gotta trust that he'll do great! 

NIGHTS: I agree. *smiles* Good luck to the three of you.

CLARIS: Well, you have a point... *smiles a bit, gets up* See you all then! 

HELEN: *waves, joins Claris to head backstage* 

OWL: *steps onto the stage after the two disappear* Welcome, everyone! We are proud to have this wonderful show of three performances for all the Visitors to Nightopia! We hope you enjoy your time here! Three of our current guardians have offered their talents up to the stage, which we hope will enchant the night further into a pleasant dream! First up, we have Claris Sinclair! 

ELLIOT: *cheers her on* You can do it, Claris! 

NIGHTS: Do your best!

CLARIS: *smiles, takes the microphone* L-Let's do this! *deep breath as the song plays*

NIGHTS: *claps with the audience* A splendid melody! Bravo! 

ELLIOT: *grins wide* Amazing, Claris! 

CLARIS: *blushes, but bows* T-Thank you so much! *exits as Owl re-enters*

OWL: Quite the magical song, is it not? Perhaps to enchant us further tonight, we can call upon Helen Cartwright to deliver a wonderful number for us as she plays her violin!

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