BrokenbyLife is Introduced in the Tomoki goes to Alola (and stays) AU

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AU Bio: 

An AU where Tomoki is transferred to Alola due to budget cuts in the school. There he meets Satoshi during the festival and falls in love with him. He then decides to stay with Satoshi and becomes an Ultra Guardian with the others, before leaving with Satoshi to Kanto. Satoshi's adventures are chronicled in a small diary he keeps for every region, and he makes them into light novels with Tomoki's help as they and Gou begin to discover just why the regions were isolated.


Tomoki x Satoshi x Gou (BrokenbyLifeShipping), Satoshi x Tomoki (BlazingIceShipping), Koharu x Hikari


1. Himi Tomoki

The Legendary Warrior of Ice, Tomoki is a kind and energetic boy by nature, but it has dimmed due to the harsh reality he lives in. But after moving to Alola, he begins to open up more, even telling Satoshi the truth about his past. He then becomes a member of the Ultra Guardians and fights in the Manalo Conference, coming out as third overall. Afterward, when Satoshi decides to head back to Kanto, Tomoki confesses to him and says that he wants to follow him. Satoshi accepts him, and they begin dating before their meeting with Gou on Lugia. 

In terms of Pokemon research, Tomoki is the balance between the two, ensuring they don't go overboard, and even mediating between Satoshi and Gou's fight in episode 3. It's Tomoki who encourages Gou to open up, and eventually invites Gou to be boyfriends with them. He eases Gou into the routine and helps Satoshi in giving Gou time to get used to it. However, he is also affectionate and gives them hugs from behind frequently. He cares a lot for them, and is prone to pushing them out of the way of different threats. Tomoki's main goal is to figure out why the regions were isolated, and their trips to meet other people such as Poplar, Denji, and the Pokemon Hunters slowly lead him to the answer. 

He has a Fushigidane as his starter even though his main partner is a Kyukon from Alola that he befriended. However, he does help Gou with catching some Pokemon here and there before trading it with one of his Ice-types. He loves Ice-types, even though he also attracts Steel-types to himself as a result of having been in the Digital World and Sword Art Online.

2. Satoshi

Arceus' Chosen One, Satoshi cares a lot for his friends, but holds a lot of pain and trauma inside his heart. It is only when he meets Tomoki that he learns to let his pain out, that it's okay to not be okay. They end up becoming really close and he wins the Manalo Conference, becoming Alola's first Champion. After that, he decides to head back to Kanto, and Tomoki comes with him. Eventually, he becomes a Research Fellow alongside Gou and Tomoki. 

In terms of Pokemon research, Satoshi's the hands-on kind of guy, and can't say no to a Pokemon in need. This puts him at odds with Gou during their first mission, but Tomoki mediates between them, making them talk about their problems as they follow the Fushigidane. When Satoshi hears about the loneliness, he feels bad and apologises, but Gou says it's okay, and Tomoki is happy. Then they end up working together to defeat Team Rocket (although Gou is distracted by the talking Nyarth--) and Gou is hit by a double crush on both of them as they stand upfront to protect the Fushigidane. 

In terms of romance, though, Satoshi is the physically affectionate type of person, and hugs his boyfriends often. Hand touching, shoulder hugs... you name it. However, he does understand that Gou needs space and happily gives it to him as he slowly gets used to it. He is reckless and would put himself in front of his loved ones to protect them.

He has his trusted Pikachu, though he begins to befriend and catch other Pokemon, like Kairyuu, Gangar, Kamonegi (Galarian Form), Lucario, and Uonoragon. After visiting the lab where his old Pokemon resides, Satoshi is convinced by Tomoki and Gou to use more of his old Pokemon, so he starts switching them out. He has 7 teams currently since his Pokemon in Alola have their own things to do. He's very versatile with the type-advantages now thanks to Tomoki drilling them into his head, although he still prefers battling with type disadvantages. (Gou and Tomoki do NOT approve of this whatsoever.)

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