don't want to talk!

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To a grocery store, type gulped to eye the blood viles to then take a few deep breathes in has he was trying to reach Dr. Qui.
Darting his eyes he then placed some into his basket, to then get ahold of his business partner.
"Dr. Qui, I just wanted to call and tell you I won't be in today. Taking...."
Type signed to fill his basket to then turn to make his way to pay.
"A day, if that's not...."
"Oh no, that's fine, take a day off type, we are more then ahead of schedule, you enjoy."
Type stopped moving to then move the phone in front of his face to eye, to shake his head.
To late for that, signing again he placed his phone to his back pocket too they go to the counter to pay.
The human looked to type up and down, to roll his eyes to then ring him up. Type hung his head.
Still can't believe there are humans in this world who act this way too my kind.....
However, unaware to type, since it had been 5 years since he fed from tharn, blue and red was swirling about his brown, playing a very hypnotic dance to now just settle.
After, type was walking down the sidewalk with his head hung with his hand in his pocket too then stop a few feet from his building to then flex his jaw in anger to then lift his head up to eye his place.
He took a deep inhale to then narrow his eyes, just then, feeling type, tharn made his way out to the Terrance to then look down to raise an eye brow.
Type brought up his other hand to then flip him off to make a face, tharn smirked to then place his hands to the edge to then motion with his head for type to come up.
Type signed to roll his eyes to then place that hand down to then look forward to do just that.
Tharn then leaned over to place his hands to his chin.
This does not have to be this way type......
He shrugged.
In the elevator, type had his back to it to hang his head, to grit his teeth.
He then gripped the bag.
Just fed him, get him to leave, I don't want to hear his lies...... Two years this bastard left me and he thinks he can just come back into my life and.....
With his left hand in his pocket he then rolled it into a fist, despising the blood ring he currently wore.
Looking up, the elevator doors opened, he took a deep breathe to then go forth, being about tharn didn't help his brain nor his heart.
Getting to his door, he stood before it to shake a bit, he knew what was behind it.
Just fed him, get him the hell out! Don't talk! He can't just come back and think we are still....
Types left hand curled to squeeze it tighter.
Rolling his eyes, he took his left hand out to then place it to the nob, to then turn to open.
Going in, he then turned to close the door and locked it while taking off his shoes.
Type tensed has he felt a familiar cold to his back, his breathing became shaky has he felt that cold tongue to his ear to lick about.
"You..... Were gone more then usual...."
He then used the tip of his tongue to trace from ear lobe up.
Type took in a deep inhale, to grit his teeth.
Dont get swept away in this.
It took him a lot, but type was able to elbow him to then turn with his head hung to then bring up the bag to place to his chest.
"Drink all you wish and then get the hell out of my apartment!"
Type then let go to go about to walk to the kitchen, he didn't know why but he felt ravenous.
What he didn't understand it was the lack of food consumption and the new found physical activity.
Tharn turned his head to eye to make a face.
Same old type.
Turning his head he then started to drink the viles, knowing he needed his strength.
A bit later, type made a feast for himself he couldn't help it, moving to the table tharn sat to consume more blood to eye type a bit confused, he was inhaling so many things.
Tharn then started to chuckle.
Type who kept his eyes down has he ate them looked up.
"What are you laughing at?"
Tharn raised an eye brow..
His eyes darted on all the different food items.
"Well..... Your eating like a pregnant woman type, I know you and I are different but...."
Type then furrowed his brow to then grab a scrape to then throw it at tharn who quickly dodged it to smile.
Type rolled his eyes to keep consuming.
"Just.... Hungry, now hurry and eat, then go!"
Tharns eyes narrowed.
"I'm not going anywhere type, we need to discuss a few things also...."
Tharn then looked about.
"I've examined every inch of this place, it's okay, but you need to find something we both will enjoy."
Type dropped what he was holding to then look to tharn confused.
"Excuse me?"
"I'm thinking a house...... Wish for it to be a bit large, I know you gave woofy to tine and sarawat, don't know why, but I want him to come back and...."
Type scoffed.
"Screw you tharn!"
"Oh? Already? Again?"
Type signed to then lean into his chair to then wrap his arms about to look down.
"I am not! Looking for a different place."
Well, not until you leave, and make sure you can't get in.
Tharn raised an eye brow to place the vile to the table to place his index finger to it to eye.
"This too small, want a room for my things and...."
Type darkly chuckled for tharn to look up.
"What in the hell are you talking about! That is not going to happen, we are also not together!"
Tharn raised an eye brow, to then bring up his left hand to move his left finger, types eyes narrowed.
"After what you did, left me alone for two years, do you really think that means anything."
Tharn rolled his eyes to take that hand to his chin to continue to eye type.
"That is what I would like to discuss with you type, among other things. So...."
Type looked down to shake his head, he then got up to start taking his finished plates.
"I don't want to talk to you, just want you to leave, this place doesn't have what our home town did, you need to leave or the sun will affect you."
Tharns eyes narrowed.
"I'm not leaving type."
Took a week off of work for this, knew it was not going to be easy to.....rekindle.
Type stopped moving to dart his eyes.
"Do I..... Really need to call the police then?"
Tharn rolled his eyes to then get up to grab a phone from the other table to then come back to place it near type to stare him down, type looked to the action.
"Call them then type, what are they going to do? Rather I'm on this lease or not, I just have to show the blood ring, they will know who you belong to."
Type gritted his teeth to eye tharn in pure anger, which became hard when the only thing this man was wearing was small black boxers, types heart started to flutter.
He quickly turned his head to breathe heavily, trying to calm down his heart.
Tharn looked him up and down to then go to his ear.
"You need to grow up type, our bodies may have stayed 16, but we are mentally almost 30, so quit this!"
Type gritted his teeth to then turn to go to the kitchen.
"Get the hell out of my apartment tharn! And don't come back you bastard!"
Tharn watched him go to roll his eyes, he caught types bluff once more.
Over the sink he muttered to himself.
Moving about, tharn then went to him to place his body to the side to wrap his arms about to eye type, he kept his to his work.
"We need to talk type."
Type shook his head.
"No we do not, I don't want to hear who else you probably have been with in the....."
Turning his head he looked to tharn holding his hand by the wrist to then squeeze and hard, type winced.
"So very crass type! I was not with a...
Type then looked him in anger.
"You may have taken what I made to mask it, but I tasted it in your blood, there is something off about you, even before my aroma started to go about yours once more, your were not the same has you left, so who is it tharn! You have you've fucked!"
Type breathed heavily.
Tharn rolled his eyes.
"You are out of your mind."
Tharn then pushed type wrist away to then go about to head for the shower, type turned his head to watch.
"Where in the hell are you going!"
Tharn stopped in the door way to hang his head.
"You are being way beyond type, I'm going to take a shower, then we need to really talk."
Type signed looking over his back.
"I don't want to talk, I want you to get the hell out!"
Tharn shook his head then went forward to go take that shower.
Type signed to turn back to eye the dishes to then wash his hands.
If you don't get him to leave now, he won't be able to, the sun is rising, damnit wish this place was like my home town and they had those machines!
Washing his hands, type dried to then part to go to the shower, he went straight to the door, hearing it already running, to then open, tharn looked to him wide eyed to then sleek his hair back, type looked to him wide eyed, his heart thumped unevenly in his chest has he looked tharn up and down in this way, it had been to long.
Tharn smirked to then pull him in.
Type squeezed his eyes shut to allow such an action to then groan.
Ah fuck! I'm getting swept away again!

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