explanation still hurts

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Has they were a few hours ago, the two were still in there positions, both to the floor, away from the other, type kept his eyes closed, he was in more control of his vampiric side, but he couldn't always control it, especially now with what he heard.
Tharn tilted his head has he sat criss cross to look to type cat like, he had really missed him, he was eyeing every detail of him.
You still look and act the same type, seems you are frozen in time, I really wish you didn't act like this, you have no real clue of what really occured.
Tharn made a face to then peer his eyes to the side, the sun was starting to set, he then looked to type has he heard a growl erupt from his chest cavity.
Tharn rolled his eyes.
"You can't stay out there forever type, the sun is...."
"Shut up! Go away!" He said through gritted teeth.
Tharns eyes narrowed, he then looked to the side to then play with the black chips, to await the setting sun.
Type opened his blood stained eyes to look to the act to then look back to him.
"Why..... Are you still fucking here! I want you out!"
Tharn shook his head a bit to then keep eyeing the action.
"I won't lie to you type, I really wish you would be near me, closer then you are now, for us to talk, but you need to know why I stopped talking to you in those two years it's because...."
Type then placed his hands to his ears.
"I don't want to hear how you were able to get around the blood ring to fuck someone else you disgusting bat! Go to hell! Get the fuck out of my...."
Type winced has he felt something hit his chest, he opened his eyes once more to look down to see a harden black chip, he instantly got up to look at it, he gritted his teeth to make a fallen face, that still hurt him that tharn did that.
Tharn stood too to then ball his fists to either side to stare and hard at type.
"I didn't fuck anyone! Just...... Took there blood....."
Types whole body froze.
He then turned his head to look at the setting sun.
"Get..... Out...."
"Type, you don't understand the circumstances.... Now....."
Type snapped his head back to eye.
"I don't need to understand, I also don't fucking believe that is all that happened! You don't just take the blood without..... Wanting more, I know you inside and out tharn! Now get out of my life! I never ever want to see you again! I told you, didn't I, when you left we should have sent our blood to another, but you said, we can wait, then I hear this..... This.... Bullshit!"
Tharn turned to then place his hands to his waist to stare at the pale white wall. Types eyes darted, his eyes started to go back to normal but he was still pissed at what he was hearing.
"I..... Couldn't help it type, it just happened and...."
Tharn turned to see type extend his arms behind him to his Terrance to then chuckle darkly.
"Nothing just happens, you let it, I don't care how it occured, I don't care that your lying, I want you out!"
Tharn rolled his eyes.
"I'm not lying, I have never ever been with anyone other then you in that way, after everything we have been through why would I?"
Type scoffed.
"Because all you vampires only care about yourselfs! You are selfish, manipulative, sick, conniving......"
Tharn flexed his jaw his eyes started to pierce blue, type gulped, his vampiric side went fully away has he eyed him.
"If that was true, I wouldn't be here type! Damnit! I didn't fuck anyone! Only have I ever been in you! I.....2 years ago, I over worked, I was trying to get back to you in 3 years not 5 or 10, 2 months I worked like that, didn't feed, just kept working, I missed you that fucking much! They just...... Happened to come and the wrong time, I......fuck type, I am a vampire, I couldn't....."
Types eyes darted to look down.
"You are.....a real piece of work tharn, trying to blame me for your...... infidelity..... You should have....."
Type quickly looked up when he heard a growl come from tharns chest cavity, he was growing in pure anger.
"I didn't cheat on you, you thick headed fucking half breed!"
Type looked down at his blood that spilled from his crying, to gulp.
"You have..... Another inside of you...... And you say you didn't cheat?"
Type scoffed.
Tharn stepped back until he hit the wall to look up to flex his jaw once more.
"You and your mind type....... I'm telling you I couldn't..... And you think I'm that direction..... Now who is being selfish, it was not my fault, has like you I can not always control...."
Tharn turned his head quick to hear type chuckle.
"Not your fault? Not your fault!? You let this happen and now your trying to blame me? Fuck you tharn!"
Type turned his head to eye the sun going when more down.
"There are places you can go now, I want you to get the fuck out of my place! We're..... Over tharn!"
Tharns eyes widen to give type a confused look.
"We are not over half breed! You are crazy to think that!"
Type gritted his teeth.
"Call me whatever you will tharn, we are done and over with, I don't want you or this anymore, it has given me nothing but trouble and pain, I'm sick of it! I just want to get my life back, and it will not involve you. Not anymore! Just go to that other you didn't "fuck" and just fed from and probably vise versa."
Tharn rolled his eyes to then step to his earlier position.
"You are the only one who has ever fed from me type, I will never ever allow another to do such a thing!"
Type scoffed.
"Sure they tried......"
"Of course they did, but they are not my blood mate, they were not someone I love type! God dammit! Stop this fucking behivor and attitude!"
Type shook his head.
"I want you out of my life tharn......it may have been a bluff earlier but I will call the police, you are nothing but an intruder in my home."
Tharns lips parted.
"After every single thing we have been through, you would reference me has such? What the fuck is wrong with you type!"
Type slowly turned his head.
"Everything........ Since the first moment I had to deal with you."
Tharns eyes widen to then take a step back.
"You are such an asshole type, how can you..... Just say these things to me....."
Type scoffed.
"Easily, you left me alone for two years and cheated on me with....."
Tharn turned to shake his head.
"I didn't fucking cheat on you!"
"You have another blood in your veins tharn! Yes you did, now get out!"
Tharns eyes Darted over the ceiling..
"You really want me to leave?"
Type stopped breathing for a moment, to then look down to grit his teeth.
Tharn turned to eye.
"If you really want me to leave, I'll leave, I've always been your chaser type, but maybe, I need to have you chase me! I have done nothing wrong."
Type scoffed.
"You cheated, that's you doing....."
Type shook to then look up At the Loud noise he then looked to the side to see the chair in the wall, to widen his eyes.
Tharn then went to his jacket to then down, to go to his position. To look down.
"You are moronic type! I'm at the Bangkok hotel, think you and I need some time......"
Tharn then turned to leave slamming the door.
Type watched him go to shutter, he then slunk to the floor to eye tharns chips to breathe in heavily.
He then brought his knees to his chest to wrap his arms about to then very into himself, this was breaking his heart.

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