let me out!

488 52 26

To the bedroom, type laid to his side to look at the wall a bit peeved. Tharn was to the head board, laying his back to it, to look forward to keep his eyes to the back of the door to keep his ears open for zhans heart beat.
Type signed.
"Tharn, I am not tired and....."
"Type, you need to sleep, don't know what is going to happen, may have to kill Kris."
Type rolled his eyes to then go about to his back to then place his hands to his stomach to move about to eye.
"Ha ha tharn." Type laughed sarcasticly.
"Why do you think I'm joking?"
Types eyes widened a bit to then turn his head to look up at tharn.
"I know you can't be serious."
Tharn turned his head to look down.
"May have to kill zhan also, I will do everything and anything to protect my family type."
Types lips parted, he then looked back to his stomach to grit his teeth. On one part this made type happy that tharn grouped him and the children together has his family the other this couldn't really be real, that tharn was thinking of killing the two.
Type took in a deep breathe to then think of something to then act upon it.
Moving has quick has he could, type got upon tharn to then wrap his arms about to start to kiss about.
"Mm..... Make love to me."
Tharn turned his head a bit, has type started to kiss about to then go to his neck.
"Type.....I don't think this is the...... Is the....."
Type then started to go down to kiss at his chest to then go even lower.
Tharn gritted his teeth to then look up, unknowing type had a plan. Over use the vampire.
To the room, zhan was to the other side, to be too a wall, sitting down with his legs to his chest, arms wrapped upon them to keep his eyes to the door.
Kris was to the other side, with his back upon it to eye forward.
"You need to open the door zhan."
Zhan signed to look down.
"I.... Can't...."
Kris turned to look down to place a hand to it, palm down.
"Your right there, yes you can, open the door."
Zhan took in a deep breathe.
"We have to wait for tharn and type."
Kris eyes narrowed.
"I am you're vampire, your lover, you're best friend, your husband, you're blood mate, open the fucking door!"
Zhan twitched with Kris's tone.
"I can't......."
Kris shook his head to then place his back against the door once again.
"So..... You're choosing them over me?"
"You know it's not like that. We just have to wait, I won't leave your side."
Kris rolled his eyes.
"I want you to go to the kitchen to then take off the blood ring."
Zhans eyes widened.
"How can you ask such a thing from me!?"
"You're choosing them over us zhan..... You may not see the outcome but I do, there going to kill me for what I know, they can trust you, but not me."
Zhan made a face.
"Are you going to tell on them about type being....."
Kris rolled his eyes.
"I honestly don't give a shit, now I know why you wanted a baby so bad, classic. You're friend is having one and now you...."
Zhan furrowed his brow in anger to get up quick to then hit the door a bit.
"I want a baby because it would be me and you Kris! I don't care that type is pregnant! Jeez you can be such an asshole!"
Kris turned to then place his forehead to the door.
"I don't want children zhan. What I want is for you to open the damn door!"
Zhan turned to place his hand to his chin.
"I can't do that......Kris.....I have done so much for you, changed for you, why can't we have...."
"Because I said no! Fuck! Just go away!"
Zhan signed to then wrap his arms about himself to look to the floor.
"I just want a little me or you......"
Kris then balled his hand to then hit against the door a bit to then turn to eye forward.
"I'm guessing you tried and see if you were like type, am I right? I'm guessing that one day you were depressed was when a doctor said you couldn't, you want to be so much like him, it's sickening."
Zhan took in a deep breathe.
"You are so cruel to me Kris...... When I live you just so very much...."
Zhan then unwrapped his arms to then look to his ring finger where two rings were.
"Maybe....... Maybe I should take off...."
Kris eyes widened to then turn back to then pound on the door.
"You better not!"
Zhan then turned to eye.
"You were wanting that and......"
"Damnit zhan! Open the door! If you truly love me, then open the fucking door!"
Zhan took in a very deep inhale to then start to walk forward to then place his hand to the door nob to eye.
"Zhan..... We really need to talk about this, open the door."
"I just really want to have a family with you Kris and....."
Kris placed his forehead to the door.
"Zhan..... Open the door."
Zhan signed to then start to open, to then wince a bit.
He then peered his eyes to the side, tharn was there with his hand to his throat to move his head back.
"You can't open the door, I am very sorry."
Zhan made a face, Kris furrowed his brow.
"Are you touching what is mine tharn! I heard him...."
Zhan took his throat from tharns grasp to then step back to hang his head.
"I am okay Kris, tharn.... Can I go into the room with...."
Tharn looked him up and down.
"If Kris moves to the far end of the room."
Kris gritted his teeth to then do just that.
"I'm far, open the door!"
Tharn kept his eyes to zhan.
"Are you sure about this?"
Zhan nodded to then go forth, tharn then opened the door to then push him in to lock.
Kris and zhan looked hard at the other.
Kris then went to zhan to then push him to the door, to dart his eyes over him, to then place his hands to his face.
"We will talk later."
Kris then pulled zhan to his lips, he missed being this close to his half breed.
Tharn placed his ear to the door to hear sounds, to then nod to go to his half breed who tried to over work him, just to fall asleep half way through.

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