this is just cruelty!

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Type gulped to start to have his heart beat very frantically in his chest, to look over tharns back has he was bend over a bit to place his things into a suitcase to then close to straighten up to look forward.
Types whole body shuttered.
"This...... Is bullshit tharn! How can you be leaving me!"
Tharn rolled his eyes to then grab his suitcase to turn to eye type..
"I am not leaving you, I am going to stay with Kris and zhan."
Type then wrapped his arms about his chest to give tharn a darkened glare.
"How can you be going to your ex...."
Tharn stepped forward to eye type with narrowly.
"He is not my ex! Also you did the same with sarawat and tine. This is your punishment my little half breed for over using my body and almost getting yourself killed!"
Tharn then went about type, types eyes darted quick to then turn .
"I love you."
Tharn shook his head.
"That will not stop this."
Type then started to go forth to tharn.
"What will?"
Tharn stopped to look down, type stood there has his heart raced..
Darting his eyes to the floor, tharn turned his head to eye type..
"Marry me."
Types lips parted, he was taken aback with that notion. He gulped to then hang his head.
Tharn looked over types distressed to then turn his head back to proceed forward.
"I shall be back one day."
Types eyes widened to then look back up to then charge, he grabbed tharns suitcase to toss it a bit away, to then turn tharn around to place his hands to his chest to look at him deeply.
"What do you mean one day! I didn't even stay that long at sawawats! This is beyond...."
Tharn flexed his jaw to then bring his hands to types shirt to then grip to tilt his head to the side to give type a long deep seeded kiss.
Tears started to go down types face.
Tharn then went back to part them to look type over, has he hang his head.
"This is the cruelest punishment you have ever given me vampire!"
"Mm, Maybe you won't over use me, treat me has your equal and stop being a fucking moron!"
Tharn then shoved type back to then grab his suitcase to leave in haste, type took a step forward in the empty air, to then fall to his knees to wrap his arms about, feeling the sting of tharn leaving him..
Types whole body quivered has he let more tears fall.
To zhans and Kris home, zhan was to a chair in there living room, to be re reading over his work..
Kris came about after his shower, to then go to the kitchen to look into the refrigerator to eye the vials to roll his eyes, he then closed the door, to go about hearing his lovers heart beat to then go behind the chair to move his hand to his head to grip his hair to then lean his head back to then sink his canines in.
Zhan lowered the papers to then moan.
"Nn Kris......I know you could have..... Waited...."
Kris then opened his eyes to peer them to the side to then take his other hand to zhans pants to then rub until his member hardened.
Zhan then laid the papers to his lap, that fell quick to the floor to place his hands to either arm rest to moan a bit louder..
"Ah Kris....... Don't be like this.... Only shall be leaving for a month..... Need to..... Get my work done...."
Kris then took his canines out to then move up to go about, keeping his eyes to zhan to then go before him to drop to his knees, to then open zhans legs further apart to then unbutton to unzip.
Zhan breathed in and out shaikly.
" Your.... Um.... Kneeling on my....."
"I know you have extra copies."
Kris then pulled out zhans member to try and down, however zhan moved up, to have them both turn there heads at hearing a door bell.
Kris then liked to zhan.
"Who is that?"
Zhan shrugged.
"I.....I am not expecting anyone, my publisher is not to come until the end of the mouth."
Kris made a face to then eye zhans erection to his hand.
"Let them wait...."
Kris proceeded to go forward until zhan placed his palm to his forehead to shake his head.
"Kris..... We can.... Later...."
Kris then moved back and up to have a growl erupt from his chest, he did not like to be stopped..
He rolled his eyes to then turn to go to the door.
Zhan took in a deep breathe, to then place himself away to then follow.
"Kris.... Please do not be angry with me and....'
Has zhan was pleading with Kris for Joe forgiveness, Kris opened the door to look to tharn with widened eyes..
"What the hell are you doing here?"
Zhan looked between them confused.
"Tharn.... Why are you here?"
"Kris....I.... Need to talk to you."
Zhans lips parted.
"If you want to talk to my...."
Kris then turned his head to look to him.
"Now you want me? Go to the bedroom zhan."
Zhan scoffed.
"I am not some child to...."
Kris turned fully to then go to zhans ear..
"Go to the room, lock the door, while I deal with this, if not, I will chain you to it, now go!"
Zhan took in a deep defeated breathe to then turn to go a bit fumed.
Kris watched him go to turn to eye tharn.
"What is it you want?"
Tharn then held up his suitcase..
"Free room and vials of blood, in exchange I have information on your half breed publication and how to able to keep him with you for a year."
Kris lips parted.
"Mm, what is of your half breed?"
Tharn lowered the suitcase.
"He over used me and other things, I am teaching him a real lesson."
Kris nodded.
"Mm....a real lesson? Do Come in, I wish to hear all of it."
Tharn gritted his teeth to turn his head to look everywhere, to then turn his head back to then go inside, to already be missing his half breed.

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