where we differ

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Zhan took in a deep breathe, to then hang his head to look to the floor to nod..
"Thank you doctor."
The doctor raised an eye brow..
"Why are you to be, still seems to me depressed? You are a man, not a woman, don't even know why you wanted me to run these types of tests and...."
Zhan signed to then look up quick.
"I have added another 1,000 to this bill, it is something I do not want to be on any record, so those tests you did, better have not been written down has discussed earlier."
The doctor nodded..
"Well, if you please, I would like to get dressed and go home."
The doctor shrugged to then turn to leave.
Zhan watched him go a bit depressed, to then get up to take his gown off to then go to his clothes to place one by one on, to then stand there to then place a hand to his flat stomach.
You have no idea how very lucky you are type and tharn, to be able to have your very own baby......
Zhan closed his eyes to let a tear fall.
Going home, he sat to his car, to then have his head hung to play with his keys to go over what the results were, that he was never ever going to have a child, that the doctor couldn't understand why he wanted those tests done, zhan was not like type at all, he wasent born with eggs.
Sighing, he then got out of the car to go slowly to the house still feeling depressed.
Inside, he went straight to the kitchen to then place the keys to the counter to then open the large fridge door to look about.
Hearing zhan come in, Kris came about to then go to him to wrap his arms around.
"What are you in the mood for there zhan?"
Kris went to his neck to start to lick.
Zhan signed to then move himself out of that hold to then go to there bedroom.
Kris turned his head to watch him go a bit confused with this action, this was not the normal.
To the bed, zhan was to his side to be consumed in the dark abyss.
Kris went to the door frame to wrap his arms about to look at him.
Zhan took in a deep breathe to then close his eyes.
"Kris.... Today..... Can you just..... Leave me alone."
Kris raised an eye brow to then move himself off the door frame to go and sit to the edge to look down at zhan.
"Excuse me?" He scoffed.
Zhan signed louder to then go to his other side, back to Kris.
Kris eyes narrowed.
"What is going on here zhan?"
"I just want to be left alone right now Kris, please."
Kris gritted his teeth to then move and quick to be over zhan to have wrapped his Wrists about to eye down with a disgruntled face.
"Are you breaking up with me zhan? Is that what this is?"
Zhan rolled his eyes to then look to the side.
"Kris......I just want to be alone."
"Mmm you gave that up so many times while you and I have been together zhan, now tell me what's is going on?"
Zhan gritted his teeth, that was something he couldn't do, he made a promise to type, his only real friend, other then his husband.
Zhan then winced to look to his Wrists, Kris had applied pressure.
"Tell me zhan!"
Zhan took in a very deep breathe to then turn his head to eye Kris, to come up with a lie.
"I...... Want you to turn me into a vampire."
Well a semi lie, this was to be something zhan and Kris had fought about time and time again.
Kris moved his head slightly to look zhan about.
"I don't believe that is it, I can see something else is troubling you, what zhan?"
Zhan made a pout.
"I want us to talk about having a baby."
Zhans eyes widened.
Kris rolled his eyes to then get off to sit back to the side to look to the wall.
Zhan stayed to his position to keep his eyes to the ceiling, to fall even harder into depression, tears couldn't help but well over his eyes, he then slowly turned to his side, back to Kris once more.
Kris rolled his eyes when he heard zhan crying.
Zhan sniffled.
Kris then turned his head to eye his back.
"Fuck! I said don't zhan! We have talked about this, time and time again, I do not want children, said that before I gave you that blood ring which binds us for all eternity and before I placed that other ring to your finger, I do not want children! Rather they be to my seed or yours! I only want us."
Zhan took in a very deep breathe to then bring his legs to his chest to cradle himself a bit.
"Just..... Go away then Kris.....I want to be alone."
Kris eyes narrowed.
"Am I not enough for you zhan? Is that what you're trying to tell me?"
Zhan scoffed.
"You know that is not....."
Zhan then quick was turned to his back to have Kris above him once more, hands pinned to either side of his head.
"Then knock this shit off now, and....."
Kris then slowly looked down, to then let zhans wrists go to take his hands palm down his arms to then go to his shirt to slowly unbutton.
"Prove it to your husband."
Zhan took in a shaky deep breathe to then move his hands to kris's wrists to then stop the action. Kris slowly looked up at zhan.
Zhan made a face to then let Kris's hands go to go up to place his hands behind to then move his bottom lip to his to then place his tongue into his mouth, even though zhan was being swallowed whole by his emotions and feelings, one thing he could never ever do, which was deny his vampire anything.
Zhan then placed his hands to Kris neck to then turn him about to prove his love fully to Kris.
After, zhan took in a deep breathe has he laid to Kris who was over used and in his sleep state, he then looked up to eye..
Didn't mean to over use you, I know you don't like it, I'm very sorry.
Zhan then closed his eyes to cry, to then wrap an arm of Kris about his body.
"I'm never going to be able to have our child...... Wish I was more like type in that way......I want to have one so bad Kris..... This really isn't fair....."
Zhan shook a bit to hold onto his husband to just let the tears fall where they may.

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