an actual anniversary to remember

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Placing the bags to the car, tharn looked up to see type before the car to wrap his arms about himself to have an eye brow raised to be glaring to tharn.
"I could have done that."
Tharn smirked to then close the back to then step to type to then wrap his arms about his waist to then shake his head.
"No..... Because I told you, my one day wifey is not going to lift a finger this weekend, I have everything planned. Now..... Get in the car, or are we wanting a punishment? I know you like them."
Tharns smile started to grow.
Types eyes widen to then make a face, his ears started to grow red in embarrassment.
He then shuffled out of his lovers grasp to then moved about him to mumble, tharn turned to watch to chuckle a bit then it came short when type mentioned that maybe if he wasent pregnant maybe you would let him help.
Tharn gritted his teeth to then turn to look forward to shake his head to then go about to then go into the car to reverse to drive them off.
Has they drove in silence tharn thought and hard.
Type took in a deep breathe to then turn his head to eye tharn.
"This weekend, is our actual first anniversary and I have done so much for you, for us, so.....I know this concept is difficult to think of but can you.....act?"
Type looked to tharn confused.
Tharn nodded to look to type.
"Act there is nothing to your stomach and it can be just about us? Please."
Types lips parted to then turn his head to hang it to then grit his teeth.
I thought you were warming up about having a baby tharn.....our baby.....guess the Lastest test results are probably pushing you away......
Type took in another deep breathe to then eye his hand that way to his lap to see tharn place his own upon it.
"I..... Just don't want you to stress, we won't know anything for 5 months so.....I am asking for 2 days with you, only with you, so can you act for me? That is the only thing I am wishing for you to give me for our anniversary....."
Type made a face to sign.
Is he worrying over me? Could he also be worrying for our baby?
Type then turned his head to eye to then nod.
Tharn smiled to then reach over quick to place his lips to types to then look back to the road to take his hand to then place his arm about to then pull type to himself.
Type placed his hand to tharns chest over his unbeating heart to smile a bit.
They then drove for a bit to then go to a hotel by the sea.
Type got out first to try and help with the luggage, however tharn was to quick, type took a deep back to eye.
"I can help you know."
Tharn shook his head..
"No, you can't."
Type signed to then look up to see the sun being blocked, they were to there home town, to the hotel tharn had taken type when he was quivering after feeding him his blood.
He then turned to eye that hotel a bit confused, tharn grabbed the luggage to then stand to the side to eye to then look to type.
"What are you waiting for?"
"Well..... Why are we here? Don't have good memories, remember when you...."
Type turned his head to eye.
"We may have come here to hide you, my dear half breed, but this is also the place you and I really confessed our deep seeded feelings for the other, that is why I chose this hotel among others."
Types eyes widened to then place a hand to his stomach, he wanted to pounce on tharn there and now.
"Um...." He Stammered a bit.
"We need to go and...."
Tharn widened his eyes to then smile.
"Then go, I already placed the reservations, we are in a different room though, couldn't get the same."
Type shrugged to then step to tharn to wrap an arm about to then pull.
After getting checked in, once in that elevator, type couldn't keep his hands to himself, his vampire was being overlly romantic..
Tharn pushed to the wall, kissed back at type rapidly, while type moved his head back and forth to consume has much of tharn has he could, to grip at his face a bit, still wanting more.
Tharn then turned them about, to grab ahold of types hands to then place them too either side of his head to then place his fingers through to give type exactly what he wanted.
Hearing the ding, they both groaned to then part from the other for tharn to go first to the bags to grab ahold of, type wrapped his arms about to follow to eye tharn narrowly..
"I really don't understand why you can't have me help."
Tharn was to the door to try and open.
"I told you, my wifey is not going to lift a finger."
Types lips parted.
"Mm, haven't even gotten a yes from my mother tharn."
Tharn nodded to turn his head to eye .
"Well, you know I am going to change that, does help you and I have been with the other for 365 days."
Type smiled and wide.
"Mm, if you don't get us through that door, we are going to have to explain something to management about why there hallway will be covered with white stains, so....."
Tharn raised an eye brow to then go through the door, for type to go to the bags to then take from his grasp, to then place his hands to his neck to have them go into a deep kiss, moving back the two then hit the bed to kiss widly, type then got up to take his hands to the bottom of his shirt to then fling over his head to then look up to see he needed up a heart that was made with chocolates, he then chuckled to look down at tharn.
"I feel like we're on honeymoon without getting married."
Tharn smiled and wide.
"When we have our honeymoon, it will be a thousand times better, know I am always thinking of ways to impress you my half breed, now...... Come here, I am not done with...."
Tharn widened his eyes to then press his head to the bed too look up at type a bit concerned, he had hung his head to make a face.
"Type? Are you okay?"
Tharn reached his hand up to stroke his face.
Type nodded.
"Mm..... Fine I think.... Just felt..... quesy...."
Tharn flexed his jaw to then take type off to go to his bag, type then smiled to then take all his clothing off, to go in a sexy naughty position.
Tharn then grabbed types medicine, to then turn to widened his eyes to let it drop through his fingers to look at his half breed seductive pose.
Type had something to his back pocket, that was a bit inserted into his rectum that tharn could see has he was too his knees, licking at his bottom lip, with his hands to the back of his neck and to his harden cock.
Tharn raised an eye brow, to then rush over to type, to grab it out, to place a hand to types chest to then push him down to hover with the object over head to shake his head to then break it.
"You and I type, do not need toys, we have the other, right? We're both....."
Type nodded to smile.
"Just thought try something new, doesn't work, I still have you, now.....ah nn god tharn! Make love to me!"
Tharn smiled to remove his clothes in rapid speed to do just that to go to his ear.
"I will do that and more my tricky half breed, remember we still have two more days."

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