quite the surprise from my half breed

770 70 14

Has night fell upon them, tharn tilted his head to the side, has type laid to him, head turned to the side, breathing in soundly, he then played with a piece of types hair to then eye to smile.
Still the same softness, so much has changed, however so much has stayed the same.
Peering his eyes down, type groaned a bit to then shuffle about, to then turn his head to rub his forehead to tharns chest to then look up to place his chin to it.
"Mm..... So tired...."
Tharn lightly chuckled, to then turn his head to eye the clock that was still there.
"We have an hour before you have to officially wake, go back into your slumber."
Tharn placed his hands to his head to then stroke his hair.
Type closed his eyes to smile to then turn his head to re place it to the side of tharns chest to feel his vampires touch.
"Mm..." He cooed.
"I have missed this tharn."
Tharn nodded..
"I've missed this has well."
Letting tharn pat his head for a bit, type then moved his chin to his chest to then look up again to smile.
"I'm awake. I'm going to take a shower."
Type they moved forward to place his lips to tharns for a brief kiss to then part to get up to sit to the edge to stretch, tharn watched to then get up on his forarms to keep an eye on type, to soak everything in.
Tharn noticed subtle changes, he was a bit paler, Skinner, however his body really hadent changed since he was 16, tharn smiled at that.
Type then stopped at the door way to then turn his head to eye tharn.
"Mm, you need to go to the van and get me some other clothes since a certain someone shredded mine. But I do believe you first can help me in the shower, your choice though."
Type smiled to then go about.
Tharns eyes widen to then get quickly up to half run to type, going inside type had an hand reached to see when the water turned hot, he then turned his head has tharn came about to wrap his arms about to then go to his neck to start to kiss.
Type lightly chuckled.
"I have you so whipped when it concerns my body."
Tharn then looked up to shake his head.
"I am whipped for you, but not only because of this body, but for your love and soul type."
Types lips parted to look tharn up and down.
He then moved his head to his to crush his lips to his. Turning slowly he wrapped his arms about to intensify this act, tharn then moved his hands down to his legs to then make him jump up, to then go into the shower to then press type to the wall, still kissing madly.
Parting, tharn went to his neck to then sink his canines in.
Type gripped tharns flesh at various places to moan.
"Nn.... Thought.... Thought...... Wasent about my.... Body..... Hahaha....."
Tharn took his canines out to then lick the wound to look to type.
"I said not all, however, 5 years apart......I can not help myself...."
Type then placed his hands to his neck to stare at him deeply.
"Mm, neither can I....."
Type then wrapped his arms about to press his lips to his to then use his tongue to open his vampires willing mouth, to swirl about his.
After going into the utmost incredible, passionate, heated, loving round, tharn placed type slowly down to then part to get him some clothes.
Type hit his head against the wall to watch him go, to take in a deep inhale.
"I love you tharn......I truly do....mm...."
Type signed to then go under the water to take a hot shower for the had something planned and they needed to rush a bit.
Done, he then got out to see from the side his clothes were there waiting for him, he smiled at that.
Getting dressed, he then went out, to widen his eyes, tharn was to the middle of the room, fully dressed, holding a bag with food in it.
Type then slowly smiled to go to him, to wrap his arms about to press himself to his body, there eyes darted.
"Thank you."
Tharn nodded to wrap his arms about..
"Need to keep my half breed fed..."
He then moved his mouth to his neck to nibble a bit.
"In every way."
Type couldn't help but think of a common phrasing.
"Happy wife, happy life."
Tharn widened his eyes to then move his head back to then give off a most alluring smile.
"So, you know your the wife."
Type rolled his eyes.
"Does that really matter?"
Tharn shook his head.
"No.....just has long has you and I know that."
Type lightly chuckled to then move about to lay his head to his chest to soak up this moment.
"Mm.... Maybe I do..... Maybe I don't..... But we do need to get going."
Tharn nodded.
Type then went back to grab the bag to look into it to smile and wide.
Tharn then placed a hand to his cheek to caress has he eyed him.
"One of your favorites."
Type looked up to nod.
Tharn then moved his thumb to his bottom lip to caress, type took in a deep breathe.
"We..... Don't have time for another go tharn, need to leave."
Tharn raised an eye brow.
"I believe we do have time...."
Type then stepped back to shake his head.
"You shall see why we don't soon, come on, your driving since I need to eat."
Tharn watched him go to smile, he then looked about.
So long bachelor pad, welcome now a marriage loft.
Tharn lightly chuckled to himself to then part.
In the van, tharn then drove it to there new place to look to type every now and then has he ate.
"Is that good?"
Type chewing then swallowing then looked to tharn to nod.
"Very..... Thank you again....mm.... Since we are getting nearer, I should let you know, I invited a few people to help us move in."
At a stop light, tharn looked to him a bit confused, to then raise an eye brow.
"If you say it's tine and sarawat, I swear type, you will not be able to go to work for quite a long time."
Type chuckled to then look forward.
"Green light "
Tharn looked him up and down to then proceed forward.
"Who are they type?"
Type smiled.
"Yourll see."
Tharns eyes darted has he drove them closer.
"Kris and zhan?"
Type shook his head.
"Tharn.... Stop guessing, you too know in 10 mintues or so."
Tharn then made a face to go through his mind to try and figure this out. Going a bit more, they stopped to the side of the road, for tharn to lean forward to then eye, he then looked to type.
"You're mother, step father and your newest sibling?"
Type turned his head to eye tharn to then place a hand to his.
"Time they knew we were......"
Types patted his hand to then lean over to give him a brief kiss to then get out.
Tharn watched him go with a but of a grimace.
I do not know what all you have said to then type, but I guess we shall see.
Feeling that emotion nervousness, tharn then pushed that away to then get out.
What is the worst that can happen?
Unknown to tharn, he really didn't have a clue.

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