really talking to my vampire

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Going home, tharn tilted his head to the side has he sat in the car to look over there home to start to think.
I may love my job, but to see that..asshole.....I may have to just quit. You half breed, are more important to me then myself.
Tharn then leaned back, to then get out, he wanted to be with his half breed.
Going in, tharn closed to lock the door to then take his shoes off to head to the bedroom, he then stopped to turn his head.
"I am in here tharn."
Tharn moved his head up a bit to then turn to go forth to the kitchen, he stopped to the door way to place his body to it to wrap his arms about, he eyed type has he sat to the table, with a hand to his head, to be playing with a clear glass that had blood to it.
"What.... Is this type?"
Type furrowed his brow a bit confused, to then look up at tharn.
"Didn't.... You want to know.... Why I think this is too be my fault?"
Tharns eyes widen.
He had forgotten he wanted to know that, tharn had been a bit preoccupied with that other and what he should do.
Tharn nodded to then make his way to the table to then sit down.
Types eyes narrowed.
"You.... Forgot? How could you for...."
Tharn made a face.
"I.... Saw him when I went to work type, which has made me to start to think about quit....."
Type gritted his teeth to then shake his head.
"Tharn.....I don't want you to quit....I know you love you job and...."
Tharn then placed his hands to types to place his fingers through to dart his eyes.
"I love you more. You can't tell me, the whole time you were not over thinking this, stressing out and...."
Type signed to then take his hands from tharn to then get up to move about, tharn watched him go, to see type sit upon the table to look to him.
"I will always be like that tharn. But know I do not want you to quit your job, just stay the hell away from him!"
Tharn flexed his jaw to nod.
You have no idea how far I will keep my distance from him.
"That I will do..... Now type.... Why do you believe this to be your fault?"
Type took in a deep breathe to then turn his head forward to eye.
"If...... You didn't..... Work so hard to come back to me, this wouldn't have happened, if I just tried my serum in America, if I just want there, then...."
Tharns eyes widened to then place his hand to types leg for him to look to it.
"Type, none of this is your fault. I should have remembered to feed, this was all to be by extreme accident."
Type signed.
"I don't feel that way tharn."
Types eyes darted sorrowfully to then get off the table to head to bed.
Tharn watched him go in sadness.
Before type could go to the room, he was pushed forward a bit to feel familiar weight upon him, type turned his head to eye.
Tharn had his body to types back, head upon the nap of his neck to grit his teeth.
"Type..... None of this tragedy is your fault! I need you to say that."
Type took in a deep breathe to then turn his head to look forward.
"I..... Can't tharn.... Because of me, now you have this sadistic, foolish, moronic vampire after you. I don't even know how to keep him from wanting you the way I do."
Tharn shook his head.
"He will never feel what we hold for another type! It is all because of my stupidity of taking his blood. That is it! I love you and you better know that!"
Type signed.
"I.... Need to go to bed tharn, I have work tomorrow."
Tharn moved and quick type about, to place him to the bed, to Hover over him, to wrap his hands to his wrists to eye him narrowly..
"You know I love you!"
Type nodded.
"I know that tharn, but can you honestly tell me you are not feeling anything for that other?"
Tharn flexed his jaw.
"It isn't love."
Type took in a deep inhale to then turn his head.
"I need to go to bed tharn."
Tharn then rolled his eyes to then get up to sit upon type to shake his head a bit.
"One step forward, 20 steps back."
Type made a face to then move up to place his forehead to his stomach to then wrap his arms about.
"I can't stop how I think and feel tharn. If I could, I would for you."
Tharn looked down, to then wrap his arms about to hold.
"I know type, trust me I know. Well.... You should know I don't pity you. At least we are communicating a bit more, we need that my half breed."
Type nodded, to then move his head to place his chin upon his stomach to look up.
"I love you tharn, I truly do."
Tharn then moved a hand up to use the back of it, to then caress types cheek.
"But you still believe this is too be your fault, don't you type?"
"Mm..... Do you have feelings for this other?"
Tharn rolled his eyes to then turn his head to look at the wall.
"I can help that, you can however."
Types eyes darted to then move tharn and quick to then lay upon him to wrap his arms about to move his head up and down.
Tharn looked down.
"I need to sleep, wish to do that with my vampire."
Tharn smiled to then place his hand to types head to stroke.
"Sleep then my love. Know you have my love, always will. It is just because of the blood, nothing more."
Type then furrowed his brow to then widen his eyes.
The blood..... Maybe..... There is something I can do.... Something I can do to get him to stay away from what is mine.

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