this is......odd

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Taking deep breaths, type was to his side on the bed to look to the clock to drum his fingers, he then smiled and wide when he heard the door open and slow.
Always trying not to wake me.
Type gulped to then sit up to look through the door, tharn took of his shoes, to then turn to stop to widened his eyes.
Types eyes looked to tharn confused with that expression.
"What? Come here?"
Type then reached a hand forward to then look to it to widened his eyes.
It was very pale white, very blue veins, and his nails were longer.
Type then got up quick to go to the bathroom to eye himself with bright Ruby eyes.
"Oh no......"
Feeling the bed shake, tharn peered his eyes to the side to then place his book to the side table, to then go to type to wrap an arm about to run his bottom lip upon his ear..
Type opened his eyes immediately to then make a sour face, he pushed tharn off to go to the bathroom to then have his head in the toilet.
Tharn made a face to then eye the clock.
Just a few more hours to go, then his doctor's appointment.
Tharn then got up to go to type to crotch behind him to rub his back has he puked into the toilet.
After type flushed to go back to take deep breaths to place himself to tharn, who wrapped his arms about, type placed his hands to them.
"Tharn.....I dreamt I was a...... Could that be what is wrong with me?"
Tharn shrugged to hold type tighter.
"I honestly do not know, are you..... Hungry? Food? Water? Blood?"
Type then flexed his jaw has he smelled tharns aroma to they turn his head to eye.
Tharn moved his head back to raise an eye brow.
"Mm, let me Brush my teeth first."
Type then got out of the hold to do just that before the sink to look himself over to sign in relief, he looked like his usual self.
Tharn then got up to eye.
"Mm, your close to your doctor's appointment, let's wait, you need more sleep."
Type spat in the sink to then place his took brush back to then down some water, to then turn to go to tharn to wrap his arms about, there eyes darted.
"I don't want to sleep......I want my vampire."
Types lips parted to then widened his eyes to then go straight to tharns neck to then place his canines in, he couldn't help it.
Tharn moaned to then grip each side of his waist.
Maybe..... With how much blood he is consuming of me..... Maybe he is.....
Before tharn could think more, type took his canines out to place his mouth to his for an undescribable kiss, tharn this time couldn't help but get swept away.
After, type was laying on an over used tharn, to have his hand up to play with his fingers has he went into a slumber.
Type this time didn't mean to over use tharn, it kind of just happened.
Sighing, types alarm started to go off.
He then kissed every finger, to then get off to go get dressed, feeling very worried and concerned over this.
Dressed, he then went to tharn with a written note to place to his body to then eye him.
"I really didn't mean for this to happen tharn......I know I made you a promise not to do this again but...... Not my fault this time."
Type then got up again to then place his lips to his to then straighten up.
"I love you tharn, I'll be back, please don't be mad."
Type then left.
A silent, lonely car ride, mid way through type made another sour face, placing his hand to his stomach he couldn't help but pull over to go to a store to grab blood and food, to eat it all quick to then go back in route to the doctors office.
Waiting in the room, type kept his eyes down to remember that dream to then start to get scared.
What if I am starting to become a vampire? What can I do to stop it?
Type then looked to his blood ring.
Would tharn and I..... Have to.....
Type then looked up to see the doctor filter in with a smile to then go to a chair to then go to type.
"So, Mr. Tian, I have not seen you since you were 15, getting your recommended vaccines before you started school, so what brings you in today?"
Type took in a deep breathe.
"Well......I don't know why, but I have been feeling very sick lately, I have been consuming more blood and food, and have been puking."
The doctor looked to him confused..
"You're a half breed correct?"
Type nodded.
"What you are telling me is..... Peculiar for your kind, um.....I see you wear a blood ring, are you in a relationship with a vampire girl?"
Types ears went red to then look down.
"No.....a..... Male...."
The doctor nodded.
"Are you two feeding the other your blood?"
"Mm.... Yes."
"How long has the relationship has been?"
"10 years, off and on."
"Mm, okay."
The doctor then stood to then go to the sink to wash his hands.
"Okay, well, I will have you complete a blood panel, I will listen to your heart and look to your ears and touch your stomach."
Type nodded.
The doctor dried his hands to then check his heart, to nod, to then check his ears, nothing there, he then motioned for type to lay down.
"Please lift up your shirt."
Type nodded to do that to look to the ceiling to think of tharn.
Please vampire don't be mad I'm letting another touch me......
The doctor then cupped his hands together to then start to move them about.
"So, are you two using condoms?"
Type took in a deep breathe to have his ears turn red again.
"Have you've both been tested?"
Type turned his head to look to the doctor.
"We were the others firsts and only."
He furrowed his brow a bit mad at the doctors line of questioning.
The doctor nodded to then move his hands to types sore spot.
Type then looked down to wince has he probe.
The doctor furrowed his brow to tilt his head to the side to press down a bit harder.
Type tensed.
"Ooow.... That...."
The doctor then took his hands away to then eye type, a bit confused.
Type nodded to then move his shirt down to take in deep breathes.
"Mr. Tian..... You were....born a male correct."
Type sat up to turn his head to eye the doctor confused.
"Of course.... Why?"
The doctor raised his eye brow to then make a face..
"Mm..... I'm..... Going to go and have you take a mulitude of different blood tests and a urine test..... You will have to wait for about an hour for the results. Has you wait are you hungry or...."
Type made a face to then turn his head to sign.
"Even though I ate and drank before I came here, I could use some more blood and food."
The doctor nodded..
"After you do these tests go to the private waiting room and we will give these to you."
Type then watched the doctor leave to eye his back highly confused to then lift his shirt up to then place his hand where it hurt..
Was I born a man? Why did he ask me that?
Signing type hopped down to go to the lab.
The doctor went to the nurse to give her what he wanted type to be tested for.
Grabbing the piece of paper she looked them over to then eye the last to then look to him.
"Um..... What is this test for? This is for a male patient correct?"
The doctor shrugged..
"Just humor me."
She rolled her eyes to then place it in, the doctor stood behind to read them all to then wrap his arms about, questioning what he was seeking.

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