will keep silent

439 50 15

After a warm shower, type dressed in the shower to then widdle out to then open the door to see in there bedroom to eye tharn was to to the edge of the bed looking forward.
Type made a face to then step to him.
"Zhan has to be hungry tharn, we can't keep them locked up in that room, we need to let them go."
Tharn gritted his teeth to then turn his head to then look up.
"We let them go, there going to go straight to...."
Type rolled his eyes to then turn to go about.
"I don't believe that."
Tharn gritted his teeth harder to then get up to follow.
To the room, zhan breathed heavily has him and Kris went other go, to have his head turned to the side exposing his neck for Kris to be at it to consume has he was filling zhan from down below.
Zhan flexed his jaw to then peer his eyes down, he heard light knocks, Kris opened his eyes to then take his canines away to then turn his head to look down.
Getting up quick, he then dressed zhan to then dress himself to grab ahold of zhan to then go to the corner to have his half breed in front of him to stare at the back of the door.
Zhan took in deep breathes.
"There not going to...."
Zhans eyes widened to then look up, Kris kept his eyes to the back of the door to have then placed his hand to his mouth.
"You don't know that, be silent." He whispered.
Zhan rolled his eyes.
Type to the other side took in a deep breathe to then knock again.
Kris eyes narrowed.
Tharn then wrapped his arms about to make an angry face.
"There you tried, now come on, we need to think of a different strategy."
Type took in a deep breathe to then turn his head to eye tharn.
"Be protective."
Tharn eyed him confused to then widen his eyes, type went in and quick to then place himself to the back of the door to look about to then eye them to a corner holding the other close.
Tharn then started to pound on the door.
"Type! What the...."
Type took in a deep breath to watch Kris rise with zhan keeping his eyes to type.
"Nothing is going to happen to either of you, but can we talk?"
Zhan then looked up to then wrap his hand about his wrist to then move it down.
"Kris, please listen to...."
"I said be silent!"
Zhan looked to type to roll his eyes, type nodded to keep himself to the door, knowing tharn could feel his weight and wouldn't just come in.
"Kris.....I understand the vampire will to protect, that is what tharn is doing, not just for me, but for our boys."
Type then placed his hands to his stomach, Kris widened his eyes to then look down.
"So..... You are really to be...."
Type nodded.
Kris shrugged.
"I honestly don't give a shit! I just want zhan and I to be able to leave, I know my half breed is too be very hungry and....."
Type nodded again.
"Well.....if your true to what you just said then..... Let's go to the kitchen, I have food and blood."
Kris then looked down when he heard zhans stomach growled.
Zhan then looked up.
"Kris please....."
Kris gritted his teeth to eye type.
"If anything happens to zhan, I don't care that your pregnant, I will kill you."
Type trembled a bit with that threat.
"Then let zhan come to me first, to go before me, then you behind, so I know you won't...."
Zhans eyes darted when he felt his vampires strength wrapping itself about him a bit tighter.
He then moved his hands up to take them away to then go forth, Kris eyed zhan with wide eyes.
He then quickly went to type to pull him from the door to go behind.
"Kris.....I am getting really hungry."
Kris rolled his eyes to then look down.
"Let us go then!"
Type nodded to turn to then watch zhan open the door, to then wince.
Zhan and tharn turned to eye Kris who went to type to place his hand to his throat to hold a bit to stare at tharn.
"We all leave, if not...."
Type gulped when Kris held his throat tighter.
Tharn started to let a growl escape from his chest cavity to take a step forward, zhan turned to place a hand to his chest.
"Please don't, I know Kris, he won't hurt your half breed, but please.....I am so very hungry."
Tharn looked to him to roll his eyes to then turn to hold an arm out.
"Then go! All of you."
"No tharn, you go first, then my half breed, then us."
Tharn clutched his teeth harder to then go to be very mad, zhan went forth to then turn his head to give type a face, type nodded to wobble forth with kris behind with his hand still to his throat, going about type then placed his hand to Kris wrist to then take it away to step away to hunch himself over a bit to wince.
Tharns eyes widened to then go about zhan to then go to Kris to place his hands to his collar to lift him up to bare his canines.
"What did you do!"
Zhan went to type to place a hand to his back.
"Are you okay?"
Type nodded to then breathe in deep to straighten himself up to eye tharn.
"Let him down, he didn't do anything, I'm a bit dehydrated, need to drink water, blood and eat myself, there just Braxton Hicks contractions."
Kris eyes narrowed. Tharn rolled his eyes to let him down where he went straight to zhan to wrap his hand to his wrist to pull them back, type looked to them.
"Please don't..... Let's all go to the kitchen.... Please?"
Zhan looked to Kris.
"I really am hungry and this is something that I can't wait, feeding you all night has taken a lot out of me."
Kris kept his eyes to tharn.
Tharns eyes narrowed to then step to type to place his hands to his arms to help him stay steady.
"Mm....I guess.....Truce."
Zhan smiled to then go forth to grab types hand to then pull him along.
"Great, can you please show me your kitchen?"
Type nodded to go with him, tharn and Kris kept looking to the other to then roll there eyes to go to there half breeds wishing they weren't friends.

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