not really knowing my vampire

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To the car, zhan sat in back with his head hung to wrap his arms about him self looking to the ground a bit confused with what tharn had stated to him.
Type had his head turned to eye, to then look to tharn, to whisper.
"Is what you said to zhan.... True?"
Tharn turned to look to type for a moment then he looked back to the road to nod.
Types eyes widen to then look back at zhan a bit sad for him to then eye tharn again.
If krit is having this whole secret life and zhan didn't know about it, could tharn?
Type then turned his head to look out the window to watch has things went quickly past him.
This is not about you type, but zhan, just keep this to the back of your mind.
Type then placed his hands to his neck to rub to keep looking out the window, tharn peeked at him to then roll his eyes, to then look back to the road.
Damn you Krit...... Because you can't tell your half breed what you have been up to, now mine is probably wondering if I have something to the side.
Tharn gripped the wheel to then drive faster, he wanted this over with And quick.
Going to the place, zhan immediately got out to eye, he gulped, it was krits taste.
Type then got out to see zhans face, to then watch him go in haste.
Type then made a face to tharn has he got out.
Tharn shrugged to watch type then go after him.
Inside the club, zhan looked about frantically, type then went behind him to then follow zhan about trying to keep his eyes opened for Krit has well, tharn went behind both to keep a good eye on them, this was not a place for half breeds, tharn could tell.
Searching all about the club, zhan signed, type went behind him to place a hand to his shoulder for the two to eye the other, tharn kept looking about, to narrow his eyes to a few vampires who looked to them in a lust filled way, he even made hissing noises, until they looked away.
Tharn then took a step forward to place his mouth to types ear, he then let go of zhans shoulder, for him to eye them to then look about once more.
"We need to leave type, you two are getting way too much attention. I can fight back a few vampires but not everyone here."
Type leaned his head back to eye to then bring up his left hand, to show off his blood ring.
"In a place like this, most will not care, also zhans blood is very much different then yours, it is just a matter of time, know I will protect you, but not both, let's go."
Type signed to lower his hand to then eye zhan who looked about frantically.
He then went to zhan to place his mouth to his ear.
"Zhan.....I don't think he is here, we need to go."
Zhan then shrugged away from type, he could feel here and there Krit, he just couldn't see him, he then looked to the dance floor, he then step forward to part his lips.
Type then stepped forward to eye to then follow his gaze, he's brow furrowed.
Krit was before them a ways, to be dancing to the back of another, to then sink his canines into the flesh.
Zhans while body shivered to then hang his head to look down.
Tharn then stepped forward to eye them to then eye Krit to roll his eyes.
He then placed a hand to types shoulder to then go to his ear once more..
"Type..... We need to leave...."
Type shook him off to then go forward, tharn watched him go to grit his teeth.
Damnit Krit!
Krit who kept swaying to the beat, has he was too the dance floor, took his canines out to turn his head to the other side to grit his teeth, he was missing zhan so very much.
Feeling the other be pulled away, Krit turned his head, to then have it be turned the other way with a punch.
Krit placed his hand to his face to then turn his head to eye widely.
Type gritted his teeth to look to him in pure anger.
Krit then barred his canines to go closer, tharn acted fast to go inbetween them to push Krit back, zhan looked up to see that, he couldn't help but go to then place himself in front of tharn and Krit to shake his head.
Tharn rolled his eyes..
Krit then eyed zhan, he then placed a hand to his shoulder, for zhan to take a deep breathe to then turn to move it off. There eyes darted..
Zhan then hung his head to then start to leave.
"Tharn..... Type.... Let's go"
Krit watched zhan leave to flex his jaw to eye the ground, tharn shook his head to then part, type took a step forward to fully eye Krit, to look him up and down.
"You are nothing but a fucking jackass, corpse, zhan deserves so much better!"
Type scoffed to then leave, Krit watched him go to then bare his teeth.
Outside, the trio walked quick to the car.
Before zhan could get in, krit had grabbed his wrist to then turn him about to push him to the car door, type saw this, to then act fast, he was able to get an arm between them to then push Krit away and back, Krit then growled, to then step forward, until tharn went between to stare Krit down, he then eyed tharn.
"This is none of yours or that narrow minded bitches....."
Tharn then step towards Krit to place his hands to his collar, to let a growl escape.
Both the half breeds at that moment went to there vampires, to de fuse the situation.
Krit and tharn eyed the other to then look down to there half breeds.
"Mm, let's get in the car tharn, zhan, say good bye."
Type then wrapped his hand to his wrist, to then pull tharn to the car.
Both inside, Krit looked to them to then eye zhan who stood before him.
"Say....good bye?"
Krit rolled his eyes to then wrap his hand to zhans wrist to then pull him, zhan eyed the action to then take his wrist back, Krit stood there to eye the ground.
"Yes.....good bye, I can't believe you started these things without even mentioning then to me."
Krit rolled his eyes to turn.
"How could I, you were always gone."
Zhans eyes narrowed.
"There was always time......I.... Can't believe this Krit and for what you were just doing...."
Zhan signed to then look to the ground.
"You..... Breaking our bed..... You doing this behind my back....has made a few things very clear.....I can't do this anymore Krit....."
Zhan then quickly turned to try and go back to the car.
He then winced to moan.
Krit had stepped forward to place his hand to his hair to grip, to pull him back to then sink his canines into his flesh to then wrap his arms about.
Leaning over tharn, type eyed them to widen his eyes, before he could try to get out, tharn placed his hand to his shoulder to hold him back, type eyed him in anger.
Tharn shook his head.
"Let them be."
Type rolled his eyes to then shrug his shoulder away to try to get out, until tharn placed his hand to his wrist to then pull him back to then place his keys into his ignition, to then go forth with a very angry half breed to his side.

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