not what I was expecting

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Tharn looked to type to not know what to do, type looked to this other to make a face to think and quick, they wrapped they're arms to there chest to smile.
Types eyes then narrowed, he thought very quickly, then he looked to tharn.
Marti looked between them to keep on that sly smile, he believed to have them pegged.
Tharn rolled his eyes to then gave type the expression he needed.
Tharn then stepped to him.
"Type..... Do not...."
Type brought up his hands to push tharn back, to get in-between him and Marti to then place his hands to his collar to then move close to him.
Tharns eyes widened, this was new, what he was seeing from his half breed.
Type then took in a deep breathe in.
"Now you listen to me, I do not believe for one fucking second you two kissed or had sex, do you want to know how I know such a thing, these blood rings first of wouldn't allow it, second I would have felt tharns pain if he tried, also him and I have been talking this to the ground, I can tell you feel something for him, however, he lives and loves me to a way you will never know, now really listen here."
Type then placed his hands to his neck, the other widened there eyes, tharn looked to the two.
"He is my vampire! Fuck off! It was a mistake what he did, and he will never ever again, you prick! Come anywhere near what is mine, I will fucking kill you!"
Type then let him go to push him away to then grab tharn by the wrist to then pull him along, tharn smirked at him to then allow this.
The other turned there head to watch them leave with narrowed eyes.
He then fixed his suit.
You can think and threaten all you want, he took my blood and made me fall for him, I won't let him go that easily you half breed, just you wait!
He then turned to go to the office to then pull out his phone to call his secretary to try and figure out a way to get rid of that half breed, unaware the secretarys intentions.
Pulling tharn, type went to the elevators, to then press the button and quick.
Tharn then step to the side of him to then fully eye.
"What is going on type?"
"We are going home, that is what is going on, I don't want you anywhere near that.....ugh!"
Tharn made a face.
"Type....I can't leave, I have to...."
Type snapped his head to the side to look him up and down, could what he saw of his facial expressions be wrong, did something happened between them?
Type shook his head, to then look to the elevator watching the numbers go down.
"Type.....I really can't leave."
Type signed up then hang his head.
"Is work..... More important then me?"
Tharn rolled his eyes.
"You know it is not, type.... Do you want me to quit?"
Type signed, he then turned his head to see a bathroom, he then pulled him along to lock the door, he then went to the middle to then pull tharn around to eye to wrap his arms about his chest to look at him narrowly.
Tharn rolled his eyes.
"You have to know he is lying type and....."
Type rolled his eyes to take in a deep breathe.
"I know he is, that is not why I am mad!"
They both then turned there heads to see a human try to come in.
"Get out!"
They widened there eyes to then leave, type then left his stance to then go to the door to lock to breathe heavily, tharn kept his eyes to his back.
"Why..... Are you upset then type?"
Type scoffed.
"Do not down play my emotions here tharn! I am pissed from what I heard, but I know he is lying, I am also livid that you won't leave work!"
Tharn then wrapped his arms about.
"I told you, I will quit. Is that what you want me to do?"
Type signed to roll his eyes.
"So then you can hang this over my head and make me feel like shit for making you quit something you are passionate about and love, no thank you."
Tharn raised an eye brow to then step to him to wrap his arms about.
"I believe you are talking about yourself type"
Type squirmed about a bit has tharn started to touch him.
He then turned his head to eye him in anger.
"What the hell! We are not going to....."
Tharn then turned type about to then grab his wrists to then place his hands to either side of his head to raise an eye brow.
"Oh yes we are, I don't know if it's because of the years we spent away from another or what, but this half breed here, I can not hold back. The possessiveness, the trust, the knowledge, the thinking of me and the love you are emitting, damnit half breed, you are not going to get out of this, I don't care if you are mad at me or not."
Tharn then placed his lips to his to insert his tongue and quick, type breathed heavily into this act.
Moving his hands and quick, tharn then placed his hands to types legs to make him jump up to then turn them to go into a stall.
With his pants and boxers off, type had his head to the side to moan into his mouth has his vampire thrusted in deep and hard.
Tharn also had his canines into his throat to lap up the blood to then quicken his speed.
Types body shook has he was reaching climax.
After, type was to the middle of the bathroom with his head hung to re button his pants. Tharn had his body to the stall, arms wrapped up eye types back.
"So..... Now what my half breed?"
Type took in a deep breathe.
"I'll.... See you at home."
He then buttoned his pants to then start to head to the door.
Tharn looked him up and down.
"I love you my half breed."
Type then placed his hand to the door nob.
"Grow an extra were tharn, espacially since that other piece of shit is here!" He said they gritted teeth, he then turned his head to eye tharn.
"If anything happens between you and him again...."
Type then moved up his left hand to move his blood ring.
"I will remove this! Stay the fuck away from him! I'll see you back at home!"
Type then turned his head to leave slamming the door, he was not happy to leave tharn there but there wasn't really anything he could do.
Tharn parted his lips to then look down at the floor to shake his head.
You do not need to tell me that type.....fuck....shit.....What a mess!

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